suggest that的用法不是说suggest that后要用原动词吗为什么在我的温习纸中的一篇cloze却出现了suggest that后+will be的用法?Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing这是为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 06:00:01
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suggest that的用法不是说suggest that后要用原动词吗为什么在我的温习纸中的一篇cloze却出现了suggest that后+will be的用法?Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing这是为什么? 有没有 suggest sb that 的用法?或者 suggest sth to sb suggest to sb sth 我的意思并不是说戒烟很容易 suggest that我的意思并不是说戒烟很容易用suggest that 这句话什么用法我的语法书写的 带有类似于 suggest recommend advise 的that从句应该是 i recommend(suggest) that he stay.为什么不是 suggest sb to do sth? 还有 这个that 可以省略吗? 有没有 suggest sb that suggest的用法he suggests that to me对吗 suggest 的用法 suggest的用法 英语里suggest的用法eg:___be sent to work there?应该填Who do you suggest还是Who do you suggest that should?这两个有什么差别么...suggest+(that)...(should) do虚拟的时候that和should不是可以省略么?可以详解一下么=w= 请提供suggest的用法. adcice,suggestion,suggest的用法 suggest用法 suggest用法 expect 的用法和suggest一样吗 就是加that sb (should) do advise suggest explain announce + to sb that .有这样的用法嘛,- - 平时咋没看到. 英语 suggest的问题His silence sugested that he _________ out plan.A.should not agreeB.did not agree toC.not agreeD.would not agree wit但是不是说suggest doing sth.或suggest + that + 主 + 动词原形 既然是这样 这里不是1个也不 suggest是没有suggest to do的用法还是没有suggest sb do 的用法?老师上课的时候有讲 suggest doing sth suggest that sb (should) do以及上述两种用法的其中一种,但我忘记是哪一种了 请问哪种用法是没有的 suggest的用法suggest sb. doing sth.还是suggest doing sth.阿? 有关suggest和advice的一些词组的不同.suggest doing/suggest that sb should doadvice doing/advice sb to do sth/advice that sb should do都有什么不同啊?用法什么不同