初级英语,I is girl.这里的girl是主语补足语还是表语,为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 13:33:09
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初级英语,I is girl.这里的girl是主语补足语还是表语,为什么? 小女子求教初级英语问题,I've ordered you some soup 我给你点了一些汤.这里的 ordered you 怎么读? 有关英语的知识I like the girl with the skirt on 在这里为什么用on ………I always forgot what I've learned.What you said is right,……这里的两个what为什么不能去掉呢,我觉得如果去掉好象也对.英语初级,不太明白有些地方what的用法,求教了! 初级的用英语怎么说 初级人民法院的英语怎么说 怎么学英语?初级的. The same girl who laughs and talks a lot and seems very happy is also the gi 英语动介后宾格,比如说:she is a girl,改为一般疑问句为is she a girl?为什么一般疑问句这里的she没有变宾格?be动词不算吗? 英语从句时态I missed the girl who is.who后面是用is还是was?为什么?语法有写忘了,请多指教,eg.I missed the girl who is like an angel,但这里like an angel 是永远都像啊,不能用is吗? 英语的语法及结构分析(就1句话) The girl is always leaving things about. 我特别不理解这里的about. 英语时态的运用I saw a girl throw herself on him 这里saw是用了see的过去式那为什么throw不用过去式呢 问一个初级英语问题我想说但是我希望能在这里交到许多朋友,But I hope i will find some friends here. because ..is x i e ’s girl friend 的意思 listen boys,i‘m is a girl是哪首歌里的 初二上学期第四单元的英语题.1.Be careful!The snake is p______.It will kill you.2.His death was a great l_______ to his friends.3.I don't like your weather! she shouted,and I don't, she c______,like your food.4.It is difficult for gi gi结尾的单词 英语问题she is a girl who I think is beautiful这句话里的第二个的is应该加吗?这句话里who用的对吗?还是说应该用that?打错了 应该是the girl