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摘要:包拯一生担任过众多官职,在治国方面有自己的独特看法。他主张治理国家应该做到知人善任、宽民利国、重视法治,同时还应该关注边防的稳固。但由于受阶级和时代的局限性,其思想还存在诸如等级观念之类的缺陷。而我们今天谈其治国思想,主要不是谈其缺陷,而是看其思想对现今治理国家的意义,尤其是民本、法治等观念至今仍具有借鉴意义。关键词 :治国 用人 民本 法治 国防 Discussing on Bao Zheng#39;s governing ideas simply Abstract: In his all life, Bao Zheng took many official positions, and he always had his own special opinions on government. He advocated that when governing the country, leaders should know people well and allocate due responsibility. Also, he insisted leaders should treat the people with leniency and do everything they could to benefit to country and they should pay high attention to governing in law too. Besides, they should keep a watchful eye on the stable of the border. But, for the specific constraints of the class and the era, there were still many defects such as hierarchical conception. Today, we discuss his governing ideas not to research the defects, we just study his useful viewpoint, especially the view on civilian and governing by law which are still being significance on our country. Key Words: governing country; use talented people; democracy; governing by law; national defense 包拯,字希仁,北宋庐州合肥人氏。生于北宋真宗咸平二年(999年),卒于仁宗嘉佑七年(1062年),谥号孝肃。包拯为仁宗朝进士,先后担任知县、知府、按察御史、西北转运使、天章阁侍制、开封府知府、枢密副使等职,并出使过契丹,后封为龙图阁直学士。包拯处理过军事、政治、财政等各方面事务,对治理国家方面有独特见解,曾多次上书就上述问题提出良策,希望得到君主的认可和施行。《宋史·包拯传》载“拯性峭直,恶吏苛刻,务敦厚,虽甚嫉恶,而未尝不推以忠恕也。与人不苟合,不伪辞色悦人,平居无私书,故人、亲党皆绝之。虽贵,衣服、器用、饮食如布衣时。”可以说包拯不仅严格要求他人,且对后人要求也极为严格。他曾留有家训, “后世子孙仕宦,有犯赃者,不得放归本家,死不得葬大茔中。不从吾志,非吾子若孙也。”正因为包拯为官清正廉明、公正执法、为民请命做主,为当世人乃至后人所熟知,故有“闾里童稚妇女,亦知其名;贵戚宦官,为之敛手。”“包希仁笑比黄河清。”之言。 包拯任职期间,针对时事多次上书,竭力为国建言献策。其奏章由其门生张田汇编为《包拯集》,本文以此为中心,从政治、经济、军事等角度来分析包拯的治国思想。 1.知人善任,国之大道 自古至今,官吏始终是维护国家稳定的重要因素,即所谓“用人得失,系国之轻重,固不可不慎也”,文学论文
摘要:包拯一生担任过众多官职,在治国方面有自己的独特看法。他主张治理国家应该做到知人善任、宽民利国、重视法治,同时还应该关注边防的稳固。但由于受阶级和时代的局限性,其思想还存在诸如等级观念之类的缺陷。而我们今天谈其治国思想,主要不是谈其缺陷,而是看其思想对现今治理国家的意义,尤其是民本、法治等观念至今仍具有借鉴意义。关键词 :治国 用人 民本 法治 国防 Discussing on Bao Zheng#39;s governing ideas simply Abstract: In his all life, Bao Zheng took many official positions, and he always had his own special opinions on government. He advocated that when governing the country, leaders should know people well and allocate due responsibility. Also, he insisted leaders should treat the people with leniency and do everything they could to benefit to country and they should pay high attention to governing in law too. Besides, they should keep a watchful eye on the stable of the border. But, for the specific constraints of the class and the era, there were still many defects such as hierarchical conception. Today, we discuss his governing ideas not to research the defects, we just study his useful viewpoint, especially the view on civilian and governing by law which are still being significance on our country. Key Words: governing country; use talented people; democracy; governing by law; national defense 包拯,字希仁,北宋庐州合肥人氏。生于北宋真宗咸平二年(999年),卒于仁宗嘉佑七年(1062年),谥号孝肃。包拯为仁宗朝进士,先后担任知县、知府、按察御史、西北转运使、天章阁侍制、开封府知府、枢密副使等职,并出使过契丹,后封为龙图阁直学士。包拯处理过军事、政治、财政等各方面事务,对治理国家方面有独特见解,曾多次上书就上述问题提出良策,希望得到君主的认可和施行。《宋史·包拯传》载“拯性峭直,恶吏苛刻,务敦厚,虽甚嫉恶,而未尝不推以忠恕也。与人不苟合,不伪辞色悦人,平居无私书,故人、亲党皆绝之。虽贵,衣服、器用、饮食如布衣时。”可以说包拯不仅严格要求他人,且对后人要求也极为严格。他曾留有家训, “后世子孙仕宦,有犯赃者,不得放归本家,死不得葬大茔中。不从吾志,非吾子若孙也。”正因为包拯为官清正廉明、公正执法、为民请命做主,为当世人乃至后人所熟知,故有“闾里童稚妇女,亦知其名;贵戚宦官,为之敛手。”“包希仁笑比黄河清。”之言。 包拯任职期间,针对时事多次上书,竭力为国建言献策。其奏章由其门生张田汇编为《包拯集》,本文以此为中心,从政治、经济、军事等角度来分析包拯的治国思想。 1.知人善任,国之大道 自古至今,官吏始终是维护国家稳定的重要因素,即所谓“用人得失,系国之轻重,固不可不慎也”,文学论文