
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:45:17 公共英语等级考试
1. _____ a pen, two books and a pencil-box on the desk.

  A. There have B. There is

  C. There are D. There was

  答案: C

  解析: 宾语为复数。

  2. The students will put off the match until next week, _____ they won’t be so busy.

  A. since B. as C. when D. while

  答案: C

  解析: 这是一个定语从句,when定的是逗号前的next week.

  3. She ought to go by plane, _____?

  A. wouldn’t she B. shouldn’t she

  C. should she D. would she

  答案: B

  解析: ought to 的否定表示为shouldn’t。

  4. So badly _____ in the accident that he had to be sent to hospital for treatment.

  A. did he injure B. injured he was

  C. he was injured D. was he injured

  答案: D

  解析: 他在事故中受伤如此严重,所以被送往医院治疗了;注意以so开头的句子要倒装。

  5. This test is for students _____ native language is not English.

  A. that B. of whom C. whose D. which

  答案: C

  解析: 表达“什么的…”或“谁的…”时,用whose来引导;这句话的意思是:这次测试是针对那些本族语不是英语的学生的。公共英语等级考试