
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 13:28:57 公共英语等级考试
Primitive umbrellas have been used for more than 2,000 years. However, the type of umbrella we use today was designed less than 3 hundred years ago. Our present umbrella is made of steel covered with cloth. It was first produced in the late 1700's. This umbrella was invented by six men, working together, and the product was so popular that each inventor made more than a million dollars. The invention of the parachute is believed to have come from the design of the umbrella.
  Many Americans enjoy watching sports. For many years the favorite sport in this country has been football. Football games draw a very large audience. Year after year the most important games have attracted many millions of viewers. Although professional football is the nation's favorite spectator sport, professional baseball is also very popular. Indeed, people who live in the Eastern United States list baseball as their favorite sport. Basketball is almost as popular as football and baseball. Other sports which many people enjoy watching include tennis, boxing, and golf.
  The cold is our most common disease. Millions of people suffer discomfort from one or more colds each year. The cause of this illness is a virus. But as yet no cure has been found. It is believed that rest and liquids help our bodies fight this virus.
  Television sets are found in almost every American home. Nine out of ten Americans watch at least one television show a day. Children watch a great deal of television; 4-year-olds watch about 27 hours of television each week. But older people watch television more than any other age group. Men and women over the age of 55 watch more than 32 hours of T.V. each week.
  电视机差不多遍及美国的每个家庭。十分之九的美国人每天至少看一个电视节目。小孩们看好多的电视(节目),四岁大的孩子一周大约要看上27 小时的电视,然而老年人比其他年龄段的人看得更多。55岁以上的男女每周要看超过32小时的电视节目。公共英语等级考试