
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 13:29:37 公共英语等级考试
The black belt is the highest level in karate. The student must master hundreds of skills to reach this high standard. The beginner must practice constantly, aiming chops and jabs at an imaginary partner. Later the student hardens the side of the hand by chopping into piles of sand. Finally, the advanced student practices self-control. This last step is also the hardest.


Many studies have shown that people with education are more successful in their life careers. Yet many famous people had very little education. Mark Twain, one of our most famous writers, and Charlie Chaplin, the great movie comedian, dropped out of school before 8th grade. The Wright brothers, who developed our first airplanes, never graduated from high school. Education is a great help, but it is possible to be successful even if you leave school early.


  Although fish do not produce sound the same way that humans do, they are by no means silent. When scientists brought listening devices down under the sea, they heard a large collection of whistles, beeps, and grunts. Poets who spoke of the silence under the seas did not realize that the underwater world is quite noisy.

  In many jungle films, the gorilla is seen as a fierce hunter, much like the leopard or the lion. In recent years, many investigators of forest life have painted a far different picture. Gorillas do not fight except in self-defense, and they do not eat meat when it is fed to them in zoos. Despite their powerful bodies and frightening appearance, they seem to be quite peaceful.