
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 13:28:10 公共英语等级考试


  Part C
  You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.
  Question 11 ~13 are based on the following dialogue between two strangers who met at the bus stop. You
  now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 ~ 13.
  11. Why is the woman waiting?
  [A]She is waiting for the man.
  [B]She is waiting for her mother.
  [C]She is waiting for a bus.
  [D]She is waiting for the rain to stop.
  12. What kind of weather is usual for March?
  [B]Very hot.
  13. How often is the bus scheduled to pass the stop?
  [A]Every ten minutes.
  [B]Every twenty minutes.
  [C]Every half an hour.
  [D]Once a day.
  Questions 14 ~ 17 are based on a dialogue about intermarriage. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 14-17.
  14. Which word may best describe the two speakers’ positions on intermarriage?
  [B] Contrast.
  15. How does marriage usually thrive concerning customs and traditions according to the woman?
  [A]On a give-and-take policy.
  [B]Beyond a give-and-take policy.
  [C]In the manner of each other’s adaptation.
  [D]Due to religious beliefs.
  16. The cultural differences arise __ according to the woman.
  [A]at the wedding
  [B]before intermarriage
  [C]after people get married
  [D]until recently
  17. What negative effects may the intermarriage most probably cause?
  [A]A divorce.
  [B]Much suffering in children’s minds.
  [C]A big gap between the parents.
  [D]All of the above.
  Questions 18 ~ 20 are based on a monologue about e-commerce. You now have 15 seconds to readQuestions 18 ~ 20.
  18. In 1998, the total value transacted in e-commerce was
  [A] $ 680000 million
  [B]$ 68900 million
  [C] $ 68900 billion
  [D] $16890 billion
  19. Some people in the metal industry think the new trend will
  [A]seriously change the way they do business
  [B]seriously damage the way they do business
  [C]not seriously change the way they do business
  [D]not seriously damage the way they do business
  20. Some people in the metal industry think only __ products will be traded on the web.
  [A]standard and second class
  [C]computer and software
  Now you have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.That is the end of the listening comprehension section.




  Part A
  1.light。对于天气预报这种形式的独白听力材料,考生最重要的是听清地点、时间和天气情况之间的对应关系。预读题目之后,放录音时一出现Chicag0这个地点名词,就应凝神细听。在指出Det,oit(底特律)和Lansing(兰辛)两地的气温后,紧跟着出现Chicago is reporting light showers一句,听清了这一句就不难写出正确答案。注意,light showers指的是“小雨”。
  2.74/seventy-four。本题属于数字题,考生需要在听录音时不但要听清数字和地点、范围等的对应关系,还应能准确速记下来。独白第五句首先指出了Ann Arbor Airport的摄氏气温,然后紧接着一句进行说
  明:That’S seventy-four degrees on the Fahrenheit scale,即华氏74度。
  3.fair。在说明气温、相对湿度和污染指数之后,独自直接指出:The quality of our air is fair,即空气质
  4.cloudy。独自的第二部分是Extended Forecast。其中第二句指出:For tonight,we expect partly
  cloudy conditions…,即今晚的天气是局部多云。
  5.rainy。本题较为容易,答案对应之处是独自的最后一句:It looks like it will be a mild,but rainy
  Part B
  6.independent learners。这是一篇讨论成功学习语言的独白。独自首先指出一些人似乎比别人学习语言要快、要轻松,然后分别说明了他们的三种类型(实际上就是三个方面的技巧)。在独自第二段第一句指出:First of all,successful language learners are independent learners,考生只要听清了这一句就能作答。考生要注意的是拼写。
  7.pattern and rules。本题答案对应于独白第二段第三句话:Instead of...they try to find the pattern and rules for themselves,即这种类型的学习者不会等待老师来讲解,而是自己试图找出语言的模式和规则。
  8.incorrect or incomplete。独自第三段指出的是第二种成功的语言学习者:积极的语言学习者。其中第五句指出:When communication is difficult,they can accept information that is incorrect or incomplete,即这种类型的学习者在交流困难时,可以接受不正确的和不完整的信息。
  9.Learn to think。答案对应于独自第三段最后一句:It is more important for them to learn to think...,
  10.Learners with purpose。独自第四段谈论的是最后一种成功的语言学习者,其中第一句指出:Finally,
  successful language learners are learners with purpose,即有目的的学习者。
  Part C
  11.[C]。本题尽管带有推断性,但较为简单。精明一点的考生根据试卷上给出的关于这一段对话的说明(…who met at the bus station)即可猜出答案。这一点也可通过对话中的具体内容得以印证:在第二个话轮中,女士明确说明I’m waiting for the number seven myself(我自己就是在等七路车)。注意,在这个话轮中男士的话语中出现了the N0.7 bus,据此可知女士所说的N0.7也是指公共汽车。
  12.[C]。本题属于推断题,有一定的难度。第三个话轮中两人开始谈论天气,注意这是陌生人之间开始交谈的一种最常见的方式。在这个话轮中男士先指出hot day,女士同意男士的看法,并说明自己希望下雨并凉快下来(rain and cool off)。接着在第四个话轮中,男士说:This is unusual for March,其中的this明显就是指热天气。既然hot对于三月来说不常见,那么反过来即可合理推知三月份常见的天气应是与hot相对的cool(凉快)了,故答案是[C]。
  13.[C]。本题为细节捕捉题。在对话的结尾,男士指出:It never comes exactly on the half-hour like it should,说明公共汽车应当每隔半个小时准点过一趟,故本题答案就是[C]。有些考生由于没有听懂对话,只听到了上一个话轮女士回答中的I have twenty to one一处而误选了[B]项。事实上,女士在此说的是时间,这由其后面补充说明中的my watch is a little fast(我的表有点儿快)即可得知。
  14.[B]。本题需要考生听完整个对话才能作出判定。从第一个话轮起,对话双方就表示出了他们意见的分歧:男士第一句话用a good idea而女士第一句话用not a very sound idea来描述通婚。而在后面的几个话轮中,尽管他们偶尔有相同的意见,但总体来说,男士赞成通婚而女士认为通婚带来的问题很多(即对通婚持反对态度),故选[B]。
  15.[A]。答案对应于第二个话轮中女士的第三句话:Marriage thrives on a give-and-take policy…。
  16.[C]。本题答案信息对应于第四个话轮中女士的第三句话:It is only after marriage that...begin to show,用强调句表明婚后才会出现文化差异,[C]只是表达不同。
  17.[D]。在第四个话轮中,女士分析了通婚带来的不利影响。其最后三句中提到了leading eventuallv to a rift(最终导致分手)、lead to a big gap between the parents(导致父母间出现分歧)、their children may suffer a lot(孩子们受很多的苦),分别与前三个选项对应,故选ED]。
  18.[B]。本题答案信息对应于独白第三句话:The total value…was$68900 million in l998,考生应
  19.[C]。本题答案对应于独白第五句话:,Some in the metal industry…will not seriouslv change the
  way they do business,即他们认为新技术对他们的经营方式不会产生大的影响,选[C]。
  20.[A]。本题答案对应于独自第六句话:They think that only standard and second class products will be traded through the web。而由前面一句可知这里的They指的就是some(people)in the metal industrv(冶金行业的一些人),选[A]。
