
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 13:23:29 公共英语等级考试


  41. A method of parent-teacher communication NOT mentioned or referred to by the author is_______.

  [ A ] home training

  [ B ] demonstration lesson

  [ C ] parent-teacher interviews

  [ D ] new progress report forms

  42. It can be reasonably inferred that the author_______.

  [ A ] thinks that teachers of this generation are inferior to those of the last generation

  [ B ] is satisfied with present relationships between home and school

  [ C ]feels that the traditional program in mathematics is slightly superior to the development program

  [ D ] feels that parent-teacher interviews can be made much more constructive than they are at present

  43. The author’s primary purpose in writing this passage is to_______.

  [ A ] improve the teaching of mathematics

  [ B ] tell parents to pay more attention to the guidance of teachers in the matter

  [ C ] help ensure that every child’ s capacities are fully developed when leaving school

  [ D ] urge the use of a much underused resource-the parent

  44. The phrase "an important role in enlightening parents" in the third paragraph most probably means an important role in_______.

  [ A ] causing parents to understand

  [ B ] persuading parents

  [ C ] understanding parents

  [ D ] discussing with parents

  45. The attitude of the author towards the role of parents is_______.

  [ A ] positive

  [ B ] negative

  [ C ] doubtful

  [ D ] unclear


  46. Scintilla was the first company to_______.

  [ A ] sell red and yellow roses

  [ B ] measure customer response to color

  [ C ] give lecturers on marketing

  [ D ] develop a method to predict business turnover

  47. Who initiated Scintilla?

  [ A ] Mr. Chrom.

  [ B ] Mr. Scintilla.

  [ C ] Mr. Amir.

  [D] Mr. Crowe.

  48. According to Chromtest, color can strongly influence the_______.

  [ A ] price of products

  [ B ] sales of products

  [ C ] quality of products

  [ D ] image of companies

  49. Crowe set up Scintilla with_______.

  [ A ] $10,000 gift from his wife

  [ B ] $ 5,000 loan

  [ C ] $10,000 share capital

  [ D ] $ 5,000 retained earnings

  50. “Parisians will not eat off brown plates” means they dislike to eat_______.

  [ A ] brown plates

  [ B ] beside brown plates

  [ C ] food served on brown plates

  [ D ] without brown plates


  51. What is the main idea-of the passage?

  [ A ] The credit manager’s responsibility.

  [ B ] The supervisor’s responsibility.

  [ C ] The working procedures of a credit department.

  [ D ] The command and control in the credit department.

  52. Which of the following is NOT true?

  [ A ] The credit policy can be a part of a commercial bank’s policy.

  [ B ] The credit policy rests only with the credit manager.

  [ C 1 The supervisors are the helping hands of the credit manager.

  [ D ] A credit manager of the credit department is not necessarily a bank’s leading person.

  53. By “a customer order”, the customer is most probably trying to get_______.

  [ A ] some goods from the factor

  [ B ] some money from the factor

  [ C ] some goods from the factor’s client

  [ D ] some money from the factor’s client

  54. “Credit exposures” probably means_______.

  [ A ] uncovered risks

  [ B ] approved limits

  [ C ] expected sums

  [ D ] protected sources

  55. The word "anticipating" (Para. 4, Sent. 5)can be safely replaced by_______.

  [ A ] bringing

  [ B ] preventing

  [ C ] protecting

  [ D ] expecting


  56. According to Paragraph 2, what is the general attitude towards business on campuses dominated by purer disciplines?

  [ A ] Scornful.

  [ B ] Appreciative.

  [ C ] Envious.

  [ D ] Realistic.

  57. It seems that the controversy over the value of MBA degrees had been fueled mainly by_______.

  [ A ] the complaints from various employers

  [ B ] the success of many non-MBAs

  [ C ] the criticism from the scientists of purer disciplines

  [ D ] the poor performance of MBAs at work

  58. What is the major weakness of MBA holders according to the Harvard Business Review?

  [ A ] They are usually self-centered.

  [ B ] They are aggressive and greedy.

  [ C ] They keep complaining about their jobs.

  [ D ] They are not good at dealing with people.

  59. From the passage we know that most MBAs_______.

  [ A ] can climb the corporate ladder fairly quickly

  [ B ] quit their jobs once they are familiar with their workmates

  [ C ] receive salaries that do not match their professional training

  [ D ] cherish unrealistic expectations about their future

  60. What is the passage mainly about?

  [ A ] The reason for an enrollment in MBA programs.

  [ B ] The necessity of reforming MBA programs in business schools.

  [ C ] Doubts about the worth of holding an MBA degree.

  [ D ] A debate held recently on university campuses.

