
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 11:36:45 公共英语等级考试


  41. Human ingenuity was initially demonstrated in

  [ A ] the use of machines to produce science fiction

  [ B ] the wide use Of machines in manufacturing industry

  [ C ] the invention of tools for difficult and dangerous work

  [ D ] the elite cunning tackling of dangerous and boring work

  42. The word “gizmos” ( Line 1, Paragraph 2 ) most probably means

  [ A ] programs

  [ B ] experts

  [ C ] devices

  [ D ] creatures

  43. According to the text, what is beyond man’s ability now is to design a robot that can

  [ A ] fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery

  [ B ] interact with human beings verbally

  [ C ] have a little common sense

  [ D ] respond independently to a changing world

  44. Besides reducing human labor, robots can also

  [ A ] make a few decisions for themselves

  [ B ] deal with some errors with human intervention

  [ C ] improve factory environments

  [ D ] cultivate human creativity

  45. The author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots are

  [ A ] expected to copy human .brain in internal structure

  [ B ] able to perceive abnormalities immediately

  [ C ] far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information

  [ D ] best used in a controlled environment


  46. Which of the following law is related to education?

  [ A ] The National Defense Education Act.

  [ B ] The Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

  [ C ] The Independence Act.

  [ D ] Both A and B.

  47. How did the state control education?

  [ A ] By setting up certain standard and rules.

  [ B ] By requesting the children to go to schools until they are of certain age.

  [ C ] Either A or B.

  [ D ] Both A and B.

  48. How did they preserve the freedom of the schools from political pressure?

  [ A ] By uniting all the schools into a union.

  [ B ] By having the federal administration.

  [ C ] By having separate and independent control.

  [ D ] By cooperating with the state government.

  49. People favor the independence of school for the reason that

  [ A ] people believe that it will ensure the existence of freedom

  [ B ] people believe that it will deprive the school of the financial aid

  [ C ] local government can rid itself from the financial burden

  [ D ] state government is not willing to exert its effort on it

  50. The school district is likely to be all of the following EXCEPT

  [ A ] larger than city district

  [ B ] larger than the state district

  [ C ] the same as the city district

  [ D ] Both A and C


  51. The main idea of this passage is to

  [ A ] describe a woman who suffered from a psychological disease

  [ B ] warn the readers against any imagination

  [ C ] explain the reason why Karen had such fanciful thoughts

  [ D ] present a case for the readers to study

  52. Which of the following statements, if true, could most probably cure Karen of the illness?

  [ B ] She had a job having little to do with numbers.

  [ C ] She went to a psychoanalyst.

  [ D ] She gave up smoking and drinking coffee.

  53. What does the underlined word preoccupation mean?

  [ A ] The first right to occupy something.

  [ B ] The first impression.

  [ C ] The extreme focus of attention.

  [ D ] The question.

  54. Which of the following inferences is most probably NOT true according,to the passage?

  [ A ] When Karen was in a great hurry to smoke, she would feel much anxiety.

  [ B ] If she selected the fourth item on the shelf in a group, the fourth child must experience some unknown disaster.

  [ C ] Drinking four cups of coffee would make Karen more comfortable than drinking two cups.

  [ D ] Karen was a mother of four sons.

  55. The author cited the example of the grocery shopping to

  [ A ] demonstrate her children’ s safety was closely related to the item she selected in the store

  [ B ] account for Karen’ s inability to perform everyday activities

  [ C ] show how specific numbers were related to the safety of her children

  [ D ] further explain that Karen was suffering from a psychological illness


  56. According to the author, the conventional notion of intelligence measured in terms of one’s ability to read, write and compute

  [ A ] is a widely held but wrong concept

  [ B ] will help eliminate intellectual prejudice

  [ C ] is the root of all mental distress

  [ D ] will contribute to one’s self-fulfillment

  57. It is implied in the passage that holding a university degree

  [ A ] may result in one’ s inability to solve complex real-life problems

  [ B ] does not indicate one’ s ability to write properly worded documents

  [ C ] may make one mentally sick and physically weak

  [ D ] does not mean that one is highly intelligent

  58. The author thinks that an intelligent person knows

  [ A ] how to put up with some very prevalent myths

  [ B ] how to find the best way to achieve success

  [ C ] how to avoid depression and make his life worthwhile

  [ D ] how to persuade others to compromise

  59. In the last paragraph, the author tells us that

  [ A ] difficulties are but part of everyone’s life

  [ B ] depression and unhappiness are unavoidable in life

  [ C ] everyone should learn to avoid trying circumstances

  [ D ] good feelings can contribute eventual academic excellence

  60. According to the passage, what kind of people is rare?

  [ A ] Those who don’t emphasize bookish excellence in their pursuit of happiness.

  [ B ] Those who are aware of difficulties in life but know how to avoid unhappiness.

  [ C ] Those who measure happiness by an absence of problems.

  [ D ] Those who are able to secure happiness though having to struggle against life.
