
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:58:09 公共英语等级考试


  26.[A] turning[B] rolling[C] twisting[D] rotating

  27.[A] find[B]feel[C] drop[D] fall

  28.[A] relieved[B] renewed[C] refreshed[D] released

  29.[A] impossible[B] unable[C] powerless[D] incapable

  30.[A] titled[B] iabeled[C] entitled[D] named

  31. [A] implies[B] suggests[C] proposes[D] indicates

  32.[A] related[B] tied[C] combined[D] put together

  33.[A] more[B] less[C] shorter[D]later

  34.[A] nervousness[B] anxiety[C] stress[D] tension

  35.[A] enhances[B] attaches[C] inserts[D] adds

  36.[A] power[B] energy[C] vigor[D]force

  37.[A] varies[B] differs[C] alters[D] contrasts

  38.[A] nevertheless[B] since[C] though[D] however

  39. [A] because[B] spite[C] despite[D] instead

  40.[A] pause[B]break[C] vacation[D] interruption

  41.[A] earlier[B] early[C] previously[D] sooner

  42.[A] spiritually[B] consciously[C mentally[D] emotionally

  43.[A] asleep[B] awake[C] alert[D] active

  44.[A] out[B] on[C] away[D] off

  45.[A] as soon as[B] when[C] before[D] after


  SectionIII ReadingComprehension

  (40 minutes) 

  46. When did the writerarrive at Londonairport?

  [A] inthe early morning.

  [B] Lateat night.

  [C] Atnoon.

  [D] Latein the morning.

  47. What can we conclude fromthe questions asked by the customs officer?

  [A] Hewas just doing his duty by asking the passenger some usual questions.

  [B] Hemust have noticed the writer' s ugly watch.

  [C] Hewanted to embarrass the writer.

  [D] Hemust have noticed the writer's tiredness,

  48. What did the writer thinkof the watch he bought in the market?

  [A] Hewas fond of the watch because it was a Rolex.

  [B] Hefound the watch useful though it was very cheap.

  [C] Hedidn't like the watch at all.

  [D] Hewas indifferent to the watch.

  49. What must have happenedto the writer in the end?

  [A] Hemust have spent a long time at the customs and must have been let go withoutany punishment.

  [B] Hemust have been given a fine as a punishment.

  [C] HisRolex must have been confiscated.

  [D] Hischeap watch must have been confiscated.

  50. What do you think is thetone of the story?





  46. When did the writerarrive at Londonairport?

  [A] inthe early morning.

  [B] Lateat night.

  [C] Atnoon.

  [D] Latein the morning.

  47. What can we conclude fromthe questions asked by the customs officer?

  [A] Hewas just doing his duty by asking the passenger some usual questions.

  [B] Hemust have noticed the writer' s ugly watch.

  [C] Hewanted to embarrass the writer.

  [D] Hemust have noticed the writer's tiredness,

  48. What did the writer thinkof the watch he bought in the market?

  [A] Hewas fond of the watch because it was a Rolex.

  [B] Hefound the watch useful though it was very cheap.

  [C] Hedidn't like the watch at all.

  [D] Hewas indifferent to the watch.

  49. What must have happenedto the writer in the end?

  [A] Hemust have spent a long time at the customs and must have been let go withoutany punishment.

  [B] Hemust have been given a fine as a punishment.

  [C] HisRolex must have been confiscated.

  [D] Hischeap watch must have been confiscated.

  50. What do you think is thetone of the story?











  56. According to the passage,what does the underlined phrase "lived a bit "mean?

  [A] Tobe older than others.

  [B] Totravel to more countries.

  [C] Tohave abundant life experience.

  [D] Tohave longer training in interpreting.

  57. Candidates for thetraining course in London' s University of Westminsterneed the follow-ing qualifications EXCEPT

  [A]having wide cultural interests

  [B]having a good knowledge of current affairs

  [C]being familiar with the languages they translate

  [D]being eloquent lecturers

  58. The interpreters rely onadrenaline because

  [A] itcan help finish their work quickly

  [B] itcan make them excited

  [C] itcan prevent them from heart disease

  [D] itcan make them work harder

  59. According to the passage,we can infer that

  [A]language has nothing to do with interpreting

  [B] onlythose postgraduates from the foreign language universities can work asinterpreters

  [C]interpreters must live in the country where the required language is spoken

  [D] interpretersbuild the bridge for international communication60. The job as interpreterhas the following characteristics EXCEPT



  [C]dangerous sometimes










