
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:51:44 公共英语等级考试

  第一部分听力   第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。   每段对话仅读一遍。   1.What does the woman mean?   [A]She can help the man,   [B]The machine was just repaired.   [C]The clerk doesn’t like to be troubled.   2.What are the speakers talking about?   [A]Flight timetable.   [B]The way to Union Street.   [C]Hiring a taxi.   3.What will John do tomorrow?   [A]He will go picnicking.   [B]He will go to school.   [C]He will go skating.   4.Where does the dialogue take place?   [A]In a hotel,   [B]In a restaurant.   [C]In the street,   5.Why does the woman give up doing gymnastics?   [A]Because she doesn’t like gymnastics now.   [B]Because she was ill.   [C]Because she couldn’t win any international championship now.   第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的   [A]、   [B]、   [C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。   听第 6段材料,回答第6、7题。   6.What are the two speakers doing?   [A]Watching a movie.   [B]Having dinner.   [C]Making soup.   7.What makes the man unhappy?   [A]The woman doesn’t cook very well.   [B]The woman seldom talks to him at dinner.   [C]The woman watches too many commercials.   听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。   8.Where are they most possibly?   [A]At the post office.   [B]At a bookstore.   [C]At the bank.   9.How many stamps does the woman buy?   [A]One.   [B]Two.   [C]Four.   10.How much is the change?   [A]One dollar.   [B]Two dollars.   [C]Three dollars.   听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。   11.What is this passage about?   [A]Buying books.   [B]Electronic books.   [C]Shopping on the Internet。   12.Why do some people feel excited?   [A]They can buy electronic books.   [B]They can buy almost everything on the Internet at home.   [C]There will be online shops on the Internet.   13.What do other people think about?   [A]It is possible to buy everything on the Internet.   [B]The computer will never replace the old methods of shopping.   [C]The computer will replace the shops and stores.   听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。   14.What exactly does the man want to find out?   [A]what people think of the bus service.   [B]How many people are using the bus service.   [C]Which group of people uses the bus service most often.   15.What does the woman say about the bus service?   [A]The distance between bus stops is too long.   [B]The bus timetables are full of mistakes.   [C]Buses are often not on time。   16.Why does the woman say her husband is fortunate?   [A]He often goes to work in a friend’s ear.   [B]He doesn’t need to go shopping by bus.   [C]He lives close to the bus station,   听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。   17.where is the conversation taking place?   [A]In a second-hand bookstore.   [B]In a publisher’s office.   [C]In a library.   18.Why does the woman mention William Shakespeare?   [A]He gave gifts to millions of people.   [B]He was a very wealthy man in his time.   [C]A sample of his writing is worth a lot of money.   19. What does the woman intend to do later on?   [A]Sell some of her books.   [B]Talk to some politicians.   [C]Do some research.   20. What does the man think of the woman’s plan?   [A]He can help her find the name.   [B]She had better get two poetry books instead.   [C]She might be wasting her time.



  [A]。对话中男士说自己还在等服务员回来给自己复印论文,而女士先用省略句反问(why trouble him的意思就是不用麻烦他即服务员),然后说:I’ll show you…(我做给你看…),其意显然就是要帮助男士,故答案是
  [C]。本题要求根据对话内容推断对话主旨。在第一个话轮中,男士首先报出了自己的单位是City Taxi(城市出租车公司),女士则明确提出了自己的目的是book a taxi(预订一辆出租车),后面的话轮中双方谈论了价钱、时间以及地点等细节内容,故对话主旨就是租用出租车(hiring a taxi),选
  [A]。本题询问的是对话中的细节。从女士第一句话中的I know you will go out on a picnic即可得出答案,选
  [A]。注意,GO picnicking相当于go on a picnic。
  [A]。本题是地点题。关键词是男士问句中的Room 205及女士回答中的our coffee shop is open 24 hours a day,再据常识即可推知,对话发生在旅馆里,男士是房客,女士是前台服务员。
  [C]。本题的关键是听清女士的最后两句话:IfI played in…so I’d rather not do it at all,即她是因为自己年龄太大、不能再在国际性比赛中获胜才决定不再搞体操了,选
  [B]。在最后一个话轮中,男士指出:you never talk to me(你从不跟我说话)。参见上题分析。
  [A]。本题为地点题。由男士的What can I do for you这一常用语及女士回答中的pay for these books to be sent to New York即可推知,对话发生在邮局,男士是邮局工作人员而女士是顾客,选
  [A]。在第二轮对话中女士用省略句说:a two-dollar stamp,即她只买一枚邮票,故答案是
  [B]。本题关键是听懂独自最后一句:...others argue that computers will never replace the old-fashioned methods of shoppin9,即他们认为电脑永远不可能取代原来的购物方式,与
  [A]。细节题。在第一个话轮中,男士表明自己的身份后紧跟着指出,他在做公众对于市政公交服务的意见的报道(I’m doing a report on public opinion about the city bus service),然后直接询问女士认为公交服务怎么样,因此本题答案当然就是
  [C]。本题属于带有推断性质的细节题。在第二个话轮中,女士指出:...they could turn up on time(他们可以准时一点),然后说明了理由。反过来理解,就是女士认为现在的公交车不准时,故答案是
  [A]。最后一个话轮中,女士提到自己丈夫很幸运的时候指出"...often gives him a lift to work,只要听清并理解该句中gives him a pick指的是“让他搭便车”的意思就不难选出答案。
  [A]。本题问的是对话发生的地点。由第一轮对话男士的话中Everything on that shelf is worth fifty cents(那个架子上的每本书都要50美分)及最后一句中的your book等及整个对话的内容可以推知,他们是在一个二手书店里买书,选
  [C]。在第一轮对话中女士先提到了一个人写在书上的字,然后说Maybe it’s worth somethin9,在第二轮对话中进一步指出这个签名也许是某个名人的,it might bring a lot more,然后说莎士比亚的签名值约100万美元,当然是为了说明名人的签名值钱的观点,故选
  [C]。在最后一轮对话中,女士说:I’m going to buy this book and see if I can find a name looks like that in the library,对名字的求证就是
  [C]。由男士最后一句(But I think…is a better one)可知,他并不赞成女士的话,其意就是女士也许是在浪费自己的时间,不会有结果,故选
