
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:45:30 公共英语等级考试
  1.What does the man mean?
  [A]Nobody can be the best.
  [B]Do as well as you carl.
  [C]It’s difficult to do something perfectly.
  2.How far is it from here to the city?
  [A]20 kilometers.
  [B]20.5 kilometers.
  [C]25.5 kilometers.
  3.What will the woman probably do?
  [A]See the movie with the marl.
  [B]See Professor Brian.
  [C]See Harry Potter.
  4.What do we learn about the man?
  [A]He is friendly.
  [B]He is angry with the woman.
  [C]His name is Robert Anderson.
  5.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  [A]Husband and wife.
  [B]Father and daughter.
  [C]Doctor and patient.
  6.How does the man like his haircut?
  [A]Cut it short in the back.
  [B]Part it in the middle.
  [C]Both A and 13.
  7.What would the man like then?
  [A]A shampoo.
  [B]A shave.
  [C]A shape
  8.Who shot Abraham Lincoln?
  [A]A young man of 24 from the north.
  [83A young man of 25 from the south.
  [C]A slave owner of 26 from the south.
  9.When did Lincoln die?
  [A]On the evening of April l4,1865.
  [B]0n the night of April l 5,1865.
  [C]on the morning of April l5,1865.
  10.Where did Lincoln die?
  [A]In the hospital.
  [B]On the way to the hospital.
  [C]At the theatre.
  11.What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  [A]They are brother and sister.
  [B]They are mother and son.
  [C]They are husband and wife.
  12.When does the conversation probably take place?
  [A]Shortly after supper.
  [B]When the school bus is about to come.
  [C]Before breakfast.
  13.Where is the school bag?
  [A]It is under the blanket.
  [B]It is under the bed.
  [C]It is at the foot of the desk.
  14.How often does the No.1 bus run?
  [A]Every 5 minutes.
  [B]Every lo minutes.
  [C]Every 15 minutes.
  15.How does John’s sister come?
  [A]By car.
  [B]By air.
  [C]By train.
  16.When will John’s sister arrive?
  [A]At 4:30.
  [B]At 4:20.
  [C]At 4:10.
  17.According to the passage,what is it that almost everyone does on Sunday?
  [A]Reading the Sunday paper.
  [B]Going to church.
  [C]Sleeping late in the morning.
  18.When does the paper come?
  [A]Late in the morning.
  [B]In the afternoon.
  [C]Before families get up.
  19.What do men like to read according to the passage?
  [A]The death notices.
  20.What kind of news do women’s pages have?
  [A]News about parties,clothes and marriages.
  [B]Advice about food and health.
  [C]All of the above.

  1.[B]。本题考查的是对男士话语中do your best一处的理解。do one’s best是个习惯表达,指“尽力”,相当于do(sth.)as well as one can,因此本题选[B]。
  2.[c]。本题是数字题。对话中只出现了一个数字:25.5 kilometers,因此答案是[c]。考生应注意带小数点的数词的读法。
  3.[B]。对话中男士说他们计划去看Harry Potter(《哈利·波特》),女士回答说,她虽然想去看,但Professor Brian想跟她谈谈,由此可以推断出她不能去看电影,而是去见Brian教授。
  4.[c]。男士让女士别叫他Mr Anderson,叫他Robert,然后解释说叫名字比叫姓来得友好。由此可推断出他的姓是Anderson,而名字是Robert,因此答案是[c]。注意,[A]、[B]两项都无法由对话必然推知。
  5.[c]。本题属于人物身份关系推断题。女士首先询问需不需要吃药(take some medicine),男士肯定回答之后,提出了“吃低脂肪食品”的建议(advise you to go on a low-fat diet),并且在后面又提出不这样的话女士将来会得心脏病(have a heart attack),这些都属于医生所用的术语,故二者应为医患关系。
  6.[c]。女士在第一轮对话中间到男士喜欢什么样的发型,第二轮对话中男士回答说:Cut it short in the back,and part it in the middle(脑后修短,中间分开),因此答案是[C]。
  8.[B]。细节题。在第二个话轮中男士说明了Abraham Lincoln被刺的细节,其中第四句指出:A 25-year-old man,who was from the South,suddenly shot Lincoln...对照选项可知,[B]项正确。
  9.[C]。本题为分析推理题。在第二个话轮中,男士首先指出Abraham Lincoln被刺的时间是1865年4月14日(It was on April 14,1865),而在第三个话轮中男士又说明了Lincoln死亡的时间是在第二天早上(He died early the next morning)。结合这两处即可知,具体时间是1865年4月15日早上,即[C]项正确。
  10.[A]。细节题。第三个话轮中男士明确指出Lincoln是在医院死的:He died...in the hospital。
  12.[B]。本题考查对话发生的时间,需要综合考虑。由男士话中的last night、it’s about the time for the school bus及其着急的语气等可以推知,他是在(载他去上学的)校车到达之前寻找自己的书包,选[B]。
  14.[B]。细节题。前面三个话轮交代了男士在等公交车去火车站接人等细节,而第四个话轮中男士明确回答了女士提出的公交车多长时间一趟这个问题:Every ten minutes,因此本题答案是[B]。
  16.[A]。细节题。同样,在第三个话轮中男士明确指出了火车到达的时间:the train comes in about half past four,即火车大约4:30到达,因此本题答案就是[A]。
  17.[A]。独白第三句话明确指出:almost everyone reads the Sunday paper(几乎每个人都看星期天的报纸)。此外,由独白整体谈论的就是Sunday paper这一主旨也可确定答案。
  18.[c]。独自第四句指出了报纸送来的时间:...is waiting outside the door when the family gets up(全家起床时报纸已经在门外了),其意就是在全家人起床前送来的。
  19.[B]。独自首先提到了大人读的版面(the front page,the editorial page,the world news section),然后特别提到了男人喜欢的两种版面:the sports pages and the financial pages(体育版和金融版),因此答案是[B]。本题也可由常识直接选出答案。
  20.[c]。独白倒数第四句指出了女性版面所包括的内容:The women’s pages have news about parties...and clothes(女性版面包括晚会、结婚、食谱、健康和服装方面的新闻),因此答案为[c]。公共英语等级考试