
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:35:01 公共英语等级考试


  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项([ A ]、[ B ]、[ C ]和[ D ])中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。


  56. The most suitable title of this passage is_______.

  [ A ] Progress in the Field of Study

  [ B ] Teachers’ Role in Study

  [ C ]How to Improve Students’ Ability

  [ D ]Bad Points of the Examination System

  57. Now little has been done to_______.

  [ A] decide a student’s job

  [ B ] test a student’s ability

  [ C ] test a student’s knowledge

  [ D ] test a student’s memory

  58. The examination system we are now using can only make the students_______.

  [ A ] gain more and more knowledge

  [ B ] make rapid progress

  [ C ] remember what is taught

  [ D ] think for themselves

  59. In order to make students gain high marks in the coming examination, teachers have to_______.

  [ A ] develop their student’ abilities

  [ B ] fill their students’ heads with much information

  [ C ] teach freely

  [ D ]teach their students how to study

  60. The passage tells us about the importance of_______.

  [ A ] getting examination system improved

  [ B ] taking examinations

  [ C ]testing a student’s knowledge

  [ D ] working hard at all lessons


  61. A stethoscope can be used to_______.

  [ A ] check health conditions

  [ B ] cure some illnesses

  [ C ]measure temperatures

  [ D ]treat heart disease

  62. Doctors give less importance to the communication between patients and doctors mainly because_______.

  [ A ] modem medical instruments are used

  [ B ] they can cure more diseases and save more lives

  [ C ] they have much more medical experience .than before

  [ D ] they are too busy to have time to talk with patients

  63. Some sick people think of themselves as broken machines, which suggested that_______.

  [ A ] modem doctors should treat their patients as machines

  [ B ] the level of the treatment was greatly improved

  [ C ] they thought they were useless just like broken machines

  [ D ] they were not satisfied with the manner in which doctors treated them


  64. We know from this passage that over one hundred seventy years ago.

  [ A ] no women worked outside their homes

  [ B ] women were considered as children by the law

  [ C ] women cared nothing about how their family lives were

  [ D ] women were not allowed to decide how to spend their money or how to teach children

  65. The underlined word "assemble" in the second paragraph probably means_______.

  [ A ] to bring a group of people together in one place for a particular purpose

  [ B ] to make a public or official statement, especially about a plan, decision

  [ C ] to produce many copies of a book, magazine, or newspaper

  [ D ] not to take part in an event or not to buy or use something as a protest

  66. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the passage?

  [ A ] Women did not have the right to vote before 1900.

  [ B ]Women had the right to vote throughout the country in 1920.

  [ C ] A little number of women held high academic and government positions in 1920.

  [ D ] "Career women" were largely restricted to some areas.

  67. Which of the following is TRUE?

  [ A ] In the 1920s, women were limited to being teachers, nurses or office workers.

  [ B ] Women mainly paid their attention to how they were paid in the 1960s.

  [ C ] Women asked to change "all men are created .equal" into "all human beings are created equal".

  [ D ] No states have ever provided women with jobs in the government.

  68. What would be the best tide for this passage?

  [ A ] Women’s Lives in the United States

  [ B ] Equal Pay for Equal Work

  [ C ] Women’s Liberation in the United States

  [ D ] Women, their past and present


  69. From the passage, we can infer that_______.

  [ A ]the writer spent his first Christmas during the war

  [ B ] soldiers did not all go home for Christmas during the war

  [ C ]all the soldiers had three-day passes

  [ D ] the writer could not go home for Christmas

  70. When the writer got home, _______.

  [ A ] it was December 23

  [ B ] it was snowing heavily

  [ C ] he found a Christmas tree in the living room

  [ D ] the Gates boy was cutting a Christmas tree for his mother

  71. From this passage, we can conclude that_______.

  [ A ] the writer used to cut very beautiful Christmas trees

  [ B ] his mother didn’t like perfect trees

  [ C ]his mother didn’t want to have a tree

  [ D ] the writer wouldn’t have a tree cut by someone else


  72. According to the passage, your reading speed depends on_______.

  [ A ] whether the reading material is easy or difficult

  [ B ] what you are reading

  [ C ] what your purpose in reading something is

  [ D ] both B and C

  73. If one wants to be relaxed by reading, one should take up_______.

  [ A ] a story book

  [ B ] a book on science and technology

  [ C ] history books

  [ D ] some material full of information

  74. Which of the following readings should you read .slowly and carefully?

  [ A ] Fairy tales.

  [ B ] Aesop’s Fables.

  [ C ] Directions for use of a machine.

  [ D ] An evening paper.

  75. Which of the following can best express the main idea of the passage?

  [ A ] How to decide your reading speed.

  [ B ] How to raise your reading speed.

  [ C ] How to improve your reading skills.

  [ D ] How to choose your reading materials.
