
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:38:35 公共英语等级考试
第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。   每段对话仅读一遍。   1.How long will they have for the discussion of the next project?   [A]One hour.   [B]One hour and a half.   [C]Three hours.   2.How does the woman think of the shirt for the party?   [A]The size is not large enough   [B]The material is not good.   [C]The color is not suitable.   3.What are the speakers discussing?   [A]Where the meeting should be held.   [B]Whether to go to the meeting or not.   [C]How to get to the meeting.   4.What does the man mean?   [A]He thinks his mother looks better than his father does.   [B]He thinks his father looks better than his mother does.   [C]He loves his mother more than his father.   5.In what competition did Julie win first prize?   [A]Diving competition.   [B]Dancing competition.   [C]Driving competition.   第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独自前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。   听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。   6.Where did the dialogue happen?   [A]In the office.   [B]On the phone.   [C]At home.   7.Who is ill?   [A]Mr Baker.   [B]Miss Green.   [C]A new secretary.   8.What’s Mr Baker’s advice?   [A]Stay at home.   [B]Go to see the doctor.   [C]Take some medicine.   听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。   9.How many magazines did David lend to the woman?   [A]Three.   [B]Two.   [C]one.   10.Why does the woman say sorry to David?   [A]She lost one of the magazines.   [B]She doesn’t want to return the magazines.   It]She lost all of them.   11.Which is the best answer according to the dialogue?   [A]The woman can’t pay because she is very poor.   [B]The woman will buy a new one because David is very angry.   [C]David will not ask the woman to pay.   听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。   12.Which day is the busiest day in the supermarket?   [A]Sunday.   [B]Monday.   [C]Friday.   13.Why did the supermarkets provide carts for their customers?   [A]Because they wanted their customers to buy more.   [B]Because no one would help the customers to carry their goods.   [C]Because babies cried a lot without the carts.   14.How many times does an average American housewife go to the supermarket each week?   [A]Once.   [B]Twice.   [C]Three times.   听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。   15.Were there a lot of people at the lecture?   [A]Yes,there was a big audience.   [B]N0,only one-third of the seats were occupied.   [C]Yes,buy nearly 30%left after the short rest.   16.Who gave the lecture this Thursday?   [A]Professor Black.   [B]The woman speaker.   [C]They didn’t mention his or her name.   17.What did the woman mean by sayin9“How silly of me”?   [A]She meant it was silly of her not to attend the lecture.   [B]She meant it was silly of her to blame the students.   [C]She meant it was silly of her to mix up the dates of the lectures.   听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。   18.What does Linda do before dinner?   [A]She washes the dishes.   [B]She helps her mother with the cooking.   [C]She helps her mother with the cooking and washes the dishes.   19.What do Peter and Linda use their money for?   [A]They use their money for food.   [B]They use it for their entertainment.   [C]They go to the movies and buy records.   20.What is the story about?   [A]It is about how Peter and Linda get their money.   [B]It is about how Peter and Linda spend their money.   [C]It is about how Peter and Linda get and spend their money.

  第一部分听力   1.[B]。男士询问什么时候讨论,女士先指出了现在的时间(2:30),然后说想在3:O0开始讨论,因为她4:30时要去处理其他的事情。考生必须在听清这几个时间的基础上进行简单的推算:3点到4点半之间是1个半小时,也就是讨论将要进行的时间。   2.[C]。本题同样考查的是婉转表达。首先,对话中多次出现black(黑色的)一词,故对话重点就是衣服的颜色;其次,女士最后一句说(男士穿那件衣服)“看上去似乎不是去参加晚会”,其言下之意就是衣服颜色不适合于晚会,故正确答案是[C]。   3.[C]。由男士话中表选择的whether...or...与take the bus、train两种交通工具即可推断出他们谈论的是交通方式的选择,所以答案是[C]。   4.[A]。本题考查的是对婉转表达的理解。女士说男士长得像他父亲,不像他母亲,男士回答说:I prefer to look like my mother(我宁愿长得像我母亲)。由其语气与常识可推知,他觉得长得像他父亲不如长得像他母亲那样好,即他觉得母亲比父亲长得好看。[C]不对,男士这么说并不表明他对父母的爱不同。   5.[A]。本题属于细节捕捉题。第二个话轮中女士明确指出:Julie has won first prize in the diving competition,考生关键是不能将diving(跳水)听成driving(驾驶)。   6.[B]。由对话之前的背景交代及电话铃声即可推知,他们是在进行电话交谈,因此选[B]。   7.[B]。在第二轮对话中,女士明确指出:I’m ill,而由背景交代及前一轮对话中男士对女士的称呼可知,女士就是Miss Green,因此答案是[B]。   8.[A]。在第二轮对话中男士的最后一句说:You’d better stay at home,建议女士待在家中。本题考查的就是对You’d better...这一表达建议的祈使句型的听音和理解。   9.[A]。在对话的第二轮对话中男士指出:I lent three magazines that day,听清这一句即可作答。   10.[A]。在第一轮对话中,女士向男士道歉,男士用why询问原因。在第三轮对话中,女士解释了道歉的原因:I lost one,即丢了一本杂志,并且说要付钱给男士。因此本题选[A]。  11.[C]。在第三轮对话中男士说It doesn’t matter(不要紧),而在对话最后一句中又强调他不想听到女士再谈给他钱的事了,由此可以推断男士不想要女士的钱,因此[C]是对的。   12.[C]。细节题。独自第一句即指出周五晚上是美国大多数地区超市最忙的,且说明了原因:Friday night is the big supermarket night,probably because...选[C]。注意,该句中的big在此指“重要的”。   13.[A]。本题属于推断题。独白第二段前半部分说明了超市为顾客提供购物车的原因。其中有一句指出了提供购物车后的结果,这也是超市这样做的原因和目的:...and she would probably buy more(她就很可能多买东西)。故本题答案是[A]。   14.[B]。细节题。独自第二段倒数第二句明确指出:...the average American housewife goes to the supermarket twice a week(一般的美国家庭主妇每周去两次超市)。   15.[C]。在第一轮对话中女士问参加讲座的人多不多,得到了男士的肯定答复。而在第二轮对话中,男士的最后一句指出:...almost one-third of the audience left,即在中途休息时三分之一的听众都走了。结合这两个方面可知应选[C]。   16.[C]。在第三轮对话中女士最后一句提到她希望Black教授不要生气(表明她以为举行讲座的是Black教授),男士则说Black教授根本不在那里,说明讲座不是Black教授作的。而在后面的对话中他们也没有提及到底是谁作了这次讲座,故答案是[C]。   17.[C]。由前面两题的分析可以看出,女士误以为讲座是Black教授作的,其实不是。在第四轮对话中,男士指出女士把日期搞错了,所以女士才说“How silly of me”,故答案是[C]。   18.[B]。独自第七、八句提到Linda的工作时说:Linda helps her mother with the cooking...washes the dishes after dinner(帮母亲做饭,饭后洗碗),题目问的是她饭前做什么,故选[B]。   19.[B]。独白第十旬指出:They use it for their entertainment(他们把钱花在娱乐上),与[B]一致。   20.[C]。独白交代了Peter和Linda帮家里干活挣零花钱、把钱花在娱乐上两个方面的内容,因此最能概括独自主旨的是[C]项,[A]、[B]都只是独白的一部分内容。公共英语等级考试