
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:52:13 公共英语等级考试


  21. I knew the manager has been here for several days, because he came to see my father ________day.

  [ A ] other

  [ B ] another

  [ C ] the other

  [ D ] some

  22. Look at the trouble I am in! If only I________ your advice.

  [ A ] followed

  [ B ] would follow

  [ C ] had followed

  [ D ] should followed

  23.--Are you coming to Kate’s birthday party?

  --I’m not sure. I________ go to the theater instead.

  [ A ] must

  [ B ] would

  [ C ] should

  [ D ] might

  24.--How long are you staying?

  --I don’t know. ________.

  [ A ] That’s OK

  [ B ] Never mind

  [ C ] It depends

  [ D ] It doesn’t matter

  25. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not an easy task because technology_________ so rapidly.

  [ A ] is changing

  [ B ] has changed

  [ C ] changed

  [ D ] will change

  26. Mike was always speaking highly of his role in the play, _________of course, made the others unhappy.

  [ A ] who

  [ B ] which

  [ C ] that

  [ D ] what

  27. I’m going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything_________?

  [ A ] to be buying

  [ B ] to buy

  [ C ] for buying

  [ D ] bought

  28. Mary kept weighing herself to see how much_________ she was getting.

  [ A ] heavier

  [ B ] heavy

  [ C ] the heavier

  [ D ] the heaviest

  29. Stand over there _________you’ll be able to see it better.

  [ A ]or

  [ B ]while

  [ C ]but

  [ D ]and

  30. I’d like to buy a house--modern, comfortable, and_________ in a quiet neighborhood.

  [ A ] in all

  [ B ] above all

  [ C ] after all

  [ D ] at all

  31.--Smoking is bad for your health.

  --Yes, I know. But I simply can’t_________.

  [ A ] give it up

  [ B ] give it in

  [ C ] give it out

  [ D ] give it away

  32. The missing boys were last seen_________ near the river.

  [ A ] playing

  [ B ] to be playing

  [ C ] play

  [ D ] to play

  33. The conference has been held to discuss the effect of tourism_________ the wildlife in the area.

  [ A ] in

  [ B ]on

  [ C ]at

  [ D ] with

  34. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health _________ poor.

  [ A ] proves

  [ B ] remains

  [ C ] maintains

  [ D ] continues

  35. When he left_________ college, he got a job as_________ reporter in a newspaper office.

  [ A ]/; a

  [ B ]/; the

  [ C ]a; the

  [ D ]the; the公共英语等级考试