
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:51:05 公共英语等级考试
第一部分听力   第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。   每段对话仅读一遍。   1.What can we learn from the dialogue?   [A]John was expected to come yesterday.   [B]John didn’t come because he was ill.   [C]The woman was John’s mother.   2.How does the man feel about his exam?   [A]He is happy.   [B]He does not care.   [C]He is disappointed.   3.What are they talking about?   [A]The coming year.   [B]The man’s mother.   [C]Buying shoes.   4.What does the woman say about the girl?   [A]She is Lucy.   [B]She can’t be Lucy because Lucy is on holiday.   [C]She is from France.   5.What does the woman suggest the man to do?   [A]Read some novels in English.   [B]Read some easy articles in English first.   [C]Borrow some articles in English.   第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。   听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。   6.Who may Alistair be?   [A]Bob’s girlfriend.   [B]Bill’s friend.   [C]Marilyll’s sister.   7.When would Bill go to Alistair’s house?   [A]In half an hour.   [B]In an hour.   [C]After he got some sugar.   听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。   8.What are they quarrelling about?   [A]Going to a park.   [B]Parking their cars.   [C]A parking sign.   9.Who usually parks here?   [A]The man.   [B]The woman.   [C]Neither.   听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。   10.Where was John and his wife’s restaurant?   [A]Near a station.   [B]In a station.   [C]On a train.   11.What was the man doing?   [A]He was drinking.   [B]He was sleeping.   [C]He was waiting for his train.   12.What did the man do when John woke him up?   [A]He drank more.   [B]He left.   [C]He asked for his bill and paid.   听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。   13.What is the first word the baby to say?   [A]Truck.   [B]OK.   [D]Duck.   14.How old was the baby when he learned to say that word correctly?   [A]About l8 months.   [B]About 21 months.   [C]About 24 months.   15.What did the father do when the baby screamed that word at the airport?   [A]He corrected the baby.   [B]He tried to stop the baby.   [C]He hid himself somewhere.   16.Why did the mother pretend not to know the baby?   [A]She got angry with the father.   [B]She was frightened by the noise.   [C]She felt uneasy about the noisy baby.   听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。   17.What is the company going to do?   [A]To promote some people   [B]To appoint some people.   [C]To recruit some people.   18.What position has fallen vacant in the company?   [A]Senior secretary.   [B]Personnel manager.   [C]Assistant manager.   19.Why did Kitty leave the company?   [A]Because she was not good at her job.   [B]Because she got married and she wanted to be a full-time housewife.   [C]Because she didn’t like her job.   20.What qualifications are needed for this job?   [A]A female graduate from the secretary college.   [B]A female with a good knowledge of English.   [C]Both A and B.

  1.[A]。女士问男士昨天为何没来,隐含的意思就是男士昨天应当来。男士回答说他母亲病了;由他所用的称呼madam可知,他们并非母子;由My mother was ill可知,并非男士自己病了。故答案为[A]。   2.[C]。本题考查的是对婉转表达的理解。女士询问男士考试后是否happy,而男士用反问语气重复happy一词,实际上就是否定回答了女士。然后男士又指出,要女士看看他的分数再说。由此可推知,男士对考试结果很不满意,即失望,故选[C]。   3.[C]。由男士的第一句话These shoes are on sale及后一句中的buy即可知,答案为[C]。女士的话只是干扰信息。   4.[B]。女士首先回答说那女孩有点像她的同事Lucy,然后把握很大地指出it can’t be because Lucy is on holiday in France,[B]与这一句完全相同。   5.[B]。细节题。女士的话中明确建议男士先看点容易的文章(It might be a good idea tO read some easy articles first),其余两项都是干扰项。   6.[B]。本题属于人物关系题。由第一个话轮可知,男士即Bill,女士即Alistair。而在后面的话轮中,男士提出向女士借东西,女士同意了,男士表示感谢。由此可以推知,他们应当是朋友关系,故选[B]。   7.[c]。本题属于细节题。在第四个话轮中,男士明确表明了自己去女士家中的时间是in a quarter of an hour(一刻钟后),并且补充说自己先要到Marilyn家中拿点儿糖。由此可知,前两项都不对,选[c]。   8.[B]。男士首先询问女士在干什么,女士回答说自己在停车,然后他们进行了争论,由此完全可以根据常识推断出他们争论的主题肯定是停车的问题,选[B]。   9.[A]。在最后一轮对话中,男士说:I park here every day,即他每天都把车停在这里,而女士则反驳说:I’m parking here today,说明女士只是今天才停在这里,故选[A]。   10.[A]。独白第一句即明确指出了他们餐馆的位置是near a station,因此答案是[A]。   11.[B]。独白在转到叙述a man的故事时指出:a man was still sitting at a table…,并说He was asleep,由这两句可知,他是坐在餐馆的一张桌子边睡觉,故答案是[B]。   12.[C]。由独白最后引述的John的话可以得知答案是[C],即每次John叫醒那人时,那人都要账单并且付账(其实他并没有吃东西)。   13.[A]。细节题。男士在叙述自己故事时指出:Every time a truck went by,I shouted a word that sounded like“truck”(每当有卡车经过时,我都会喊出一个听上去像是“卡车”的词),即男士小时候学会说的第一个词就是“卡车”。   14.[B]。本题较难,需要考生在注意听清细节的同时进行一定的推断。虽然男士说自己在18个月大时就会说“卡车”,但此时只能说听起来像“卡车”,别人听上去却不像(but to everyone else it sounded nothing like it),故显然不合题目要求的correctly(正确地)。而男士接着说3个月后他们去纽约,正是在这次在机场他喊出了“卡车”这个单词,因此本题答案就应选[B]。   15.[B]。细节题。男士叙述到自己在机场不停地喊“卡车”时指出:My father tried hard to shut me up(我父亲试图让我住口),故本题答案是[B]。[A]项是此前的做法,[C]项则是他母亲的做法。   16.[c]。本题属于推断题。男士叙述在机场发生的故事时,对他母亲只提到了一句:My poor mother decided that... until I finally stopped(我那可怜的母亲只得装作不认识这个宝宝,跑到女洗手间藏了起来,直到最后我不再叫嚷)。由此并结合常识即可知,本题答案为[C],即他母亲是因为对他束手无策才那样的。   17.[c]。对话一开始女士就说The company is going to recruit(招募)some people,与[c]项完全一致。   18.[A]。在第二轮对话中女士说:The position of senior secretary had fallen vacant,因此答案无疑是[A]。考生应注意掌握一些与职场相关的常用词,如本题中的senior secretary指“高级秘书”,vacant指“(职位)空缺的”。如果不了解这些词汇,就难以听懂对话。   19.[B]。在第三轮对话中女士解释了Kitty辞职的原因:She has just got married... to be a full-time housewife,即她刚结婚,想做一个全职主妇,这与[B]一致。   20.[c]。在第四轮对话中男士询问需要什么样的条件(才能应聘当高级秘书),在下一轮对话中女士回答说:A female graduate... English,即毕业于秘书学院且精通英语的女性,故选[c]。公共英语等级考试