
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:49:08 公共英语等级考试

  56. The word "convenient" in the passage means__________.

  [A]handy, easy to do

  [B] that can be changed

  [C]found of drinking and merry-making

  [D] carriages or other trucks

  57. If you cut another car off,its driver may be__________.

  [A] impanent



  [D]both A and B

  58. The sentence "Traffic accidents declare millions of lives" means__________.

  [A] traffic accidents make some people become millionaires

  [B]many people die from traffic accidents

  [C]millions of people say they themselves have had traffic accidents

  [D]millions of people remain healthy after traffic accidents

  59. According to the passage,driving can be safe if__________.

  [A]you are patient

  [B]you obey all the traffic rules

  [C]you don’t cut another car off

  [D]you wait in line at a red light

  60. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

  [A]Traffic Safety.

  [B]A Careful Driver.

  [C]How to Drive a Car.

  [D]A Traffic Accident.


  61. Henry doesn’t like to use his head,so ___________.

  [A]he has little knowledge

  [B]he is young and strong

  [C]he tries to be a farmer

  [D]he finds a job on a farm

  62. Henry gets less money because ___________.

  [A]he sleeps more

  [B]he does some unskilled work

  [C]he isn’t polite to the farmer

  [D]he eats more

  63. Henry has to cut down the trees because ___________.

  [A]he can do nothing except it

  [B]he likes to stay in the quiet forest

  [C]he can’t get on well with others

  [D]he is very strong

  64. Henry is ___________to stay in the forest.





  65. Henry hopes to ___________.

  [A]make the farmer happy

  [B]get help

  [C]lie down in the forest

  [D]cut down more trees

  66. Which is true according to this passage?

  [A]The other families might not even know a family that lived close by in the past.

  [B]We live in an age of machines when machines can do everything.

  [C]Neighboring is not as common as it used to be.

  [D]Everyone shared the same problem -- power is not enough for daily use.

  67. What does the writer of this passage want to tell us?

  [A]Since human beings cannot live alone,neighboring will be important again.

  [B]Machines are not good because they keep people apart.

  [C]Neighbors are not necessary in our time of machines.

  [D]Machines can replace good neighbors as they can work for people and entertain people.

  68. Which statement do you agree with after your reading?

  [A]When the power failure hit New York City, people only minded their own business.

  [B]Nobody needs all the machines we have made till now.

  [C]People used to pay each other with their building, raising, and so on.

  [D]People have di{ficulties in finding a good neighbor today.

  69. The writer uses questions at the beginning

  [Alto show the value of works by Shakespeare, Newton and Tolkien

  [B]to show the popularity of the library with students and teachers

  [C]to draw readers’ attention to the low price for adopting a book

  [D]to draw readers’ attention to the Adopt-A-Book program

  70. If you decide to adopt a book, you __________

  [A]must protect the book and keep it safe

  [B]may give the book as a gift to your friend

  [C]can help with the protection of the rare books

  [D]will enjoy an advantage in using the book in your research

  71. What does the underlined word "they’(Line 3, Para. 3) refer to?

  [A]Rare books.

  [B]Library users.

  [C]Book owners.

  [D]Library conditions.

  72. What is the purpose of the text?

  [A]To persuade people to use the library more.

  [B]To call on people to give their rare books to the library.

  [C]To raise money for the protection of rare books in the library.

  [D]To make known the library’s special collections to the general public.

  73. _________seems to be boring according to the passage.

  [A]Illustration A

  [B]Illustration B

  [C]The shape of the bushes

  [D]The arrangement in Illustration A and D

  74. When we look at Illustration C, _________

  [A]our eyes don’t move

  [B]we think about the relationship between the squares

  [C]we guess what the shapes may be

  [D]we express the artist’s feelings

  75. It is likely that the authJr wants to tell us _________[A]how to draw pictures

  [B]why to draw pictures

  [C]how to enjoy pictures

  [D]what to be seen in pictures
