
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:34:01 公共英语等级考试

  Section I

  Listening Comprehension

  (25 minutes)


  Now look at question 1.

  1. What’s the most possible relationship between the two speakers?

  [A] Husband and wife.

  [B] Employer and employee.

  [C] Barber and guest.

  [D] Waiter and guest.

  2. What does the woman mean?

  [A] They shouldn’t change their plan.

  [B] They should change their mind.

  [C] Weather forecasts are not reliable.

  [D] The tennis game won’t last long.

  3. Why can’t the woman eat more?

  [A] Because she doesn’t like meat pie.

  [B] Because she is full.

  [C] Because she doesn’t feel hungry.

  [D] Because she wants to lose weight.

  4. What does the woman suggest the man doing?

  [A] Rush to work.

  [B] Go with her together.

  [C] Drive her car.

  [D] Hurry up.

  5. Where are the two speakers?

  [A] At home.

  [B] At the airport.

  [C] At the railway station.

  [D] At office.

  6. Who is the visitor?

  [A] Mr. Johnson.

  [B] Jane Johnson.

  [C] Jane McDonald.

  [D] McDonald Johnson.

  7. What can we infer from the conversation?

  [A] An old lady took the couple’s suitcase by mistake.

  [B] An old lady stole the couple’s suitcase at the restaurant.

  [C] The old lady took their clothes by mistake.

  [D] The woman forgot to put clothes in their suitcase.

  8. What will the woman do this evening?

  [A] Go to disco.

  [B Write her paper.

  [C] Visit a professor.

  [D] Join a party.

  9. How does the man like his salad?

  [A] It’s nice and fresh.

  [B] It’s rather tasteless.

  [C] It’s salty.

  [D] It tastes bad.

  10. What does the woman Want to do?

  [A] Visit the clothing company tomorrow.

  [B] Apply for a job in the clothing company.

  [C] Help the company recruit graduate students.

  [D] Get a part-time job before graduation.


  Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following dialogue between two friends.

  11. Why is the woman in New York?

  [A] Because she likes the city.

  [B] Because she wants to visit the man.

  [C] Because she has a project there.

  [D] Because the man is ill,

  12. What’s wrong with the man?

  [A] He has got a cold.

  [B] He wants to die.

  [C] His dog is sick.

  [D] He throws up seriously.

  13. Where does the man live?

  [A] At 904 Haven Avenue in the 168th Street.

  [B] At 904 Haven Avenue in the 116th Street.

  [C] At 903 Haven Avenue in the 116th Street.

  [D] At 903 Haven Avenue in the 168th Street.

  14. What will the woman do for the man?

  [A] Buy some food for him.

  [B] Send him to the hospital.

  [C] Give him some medicine.

  [D] Bring some vegetables to him.

  Questions 15 to 18 are based on a conversation on juvenile crime.

  15. Who is the man working with?

  [A] The woman.

  [B] Young people.

  [C] Frank.

  [D] The media.

  16. What is the woman asking the man for?

  [A] His opinions OK jvenile crime.

  [B] His opinions on social system.

  [C] His opinions on the prevention of young people crime.

  [D] His opinions on the behaviors of media and school.

  17. According to Frank, why do ids get violent?

  [A] Because the media teach them.

  [B] Because the school is like a jail.

  [C] Because the education system has problems.

  [D] Because the environment makes them so.

  18. How can we prevent juvenile crime?

  [A] Create a more caring environment."

  [B] Improve the education system.

  [C] Make the school less like a jail.

  [D] Educate kids on a one-to-one basis.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on a conversation on free samples.

  19. What didn’t the man get from the conversation?

  [A] A postcard.

  [B] A questionnaire.

  [C] Free samples of finned meat.

  [D] Some work.

  20. Why the man insists on filling out the questionnaire right away?

  [A] Because they have promised to do so.

  [B] Because he doesn’t like the sample.

  [C] Because he wants more free samples.

  [D] Because he wants to mail it on his way to work.

  21. Why doesn’t the woman like the tinned meat?

  [A] Because it’s tasteless.

  [B] Because she doesn’t want to fill in the questionnaire.

  [C] Because it makes her cat ill.

  [D] Because it’s free.

  22. What are the guests’ comments?

  [A] It has no taste.

  [B] It makes the cat ill.

  [C] The cat doesn’t like eating it.

  [D] The cat didn’t touch it.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the following talk on mum’s business.

  23. Why are mothers fed up with their jobs?

  [A] Because the jobs are difficult.

  [B] Because the jobs make them have little time for their children.

  [C] Because their children and family are in trouble.

  [D]Because they don’t like the jobs.

  24. How many women work for themselves now?

  [A] Two thousand.

  [B] Twenty thousand.

  [C] A million.

  [D] Two million.

  25. What do we learn about Tanya Rostron?

  [A] She doesn’t work.

  [B] She works as head of marketing in a major company.

  [C] She has little time with her new baby daughter.

  [D] She employs 11 people in her company.

  Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

  That is the end of listening comprehension section.

  Section II Use of English

  ( 15 minutes)



  [A] last

  [B] past

  [C] passed

  [D] early


  [A] was


  [C] has

  [D] have28.

  [A] conscious

  [B] consciously

  [C] unconscious

  [D] unconsciously


  [A] before

  [B] after

  [C] as

  [D] since


  [A] at

  [B] in

  [C] along

  [D] near


  [A] escaped

  [B] went

  [C] attacked

  [D] got


  [A] smashed

  [B] broke

  [C] rolled

  [D] fell


  [A] In

  [B] At

  [C] During

  [D] On


  [A] Investigate

  [B] Investigating

  [C] Investigated

  [D] Investigation


  [A] large

  [B] largely

  [C] big

  [D] huge


  [A] weighs

  [B] weighed

  [C] has weighed

  [D] had weighed


  [A] determined

  [ B] has determined

  [C] was determined

  [D] had been determined


  [A] which

  [B] who

  [C] whom

  [D] what


  [A] in

  [B] at

  [C] from

  [D] on


  [A] country

  [B] found

  [C] heard

  [D] witnessed


  [A] ago

  [B] before

  [C] after

  [D] later


  [A] in

  [B] with

  [C] has

  [D] have


  [A] /

  [B] for

  [C] with

  [D] on


  [A] formed

  [B] caused

  [C] made

  [D] fallen
