
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 05:39:04 公共英语等级考试

  1. They have three dogs to find a home for, not to( )that cat and the bird.

  A. refer

  B. name

  C. comment

  D. mention

  2. She likes to quarrel( )neighbors( )the little things.

  A. with…for

  B. to…about

  C. with…about

  D. about…with

  3. You mustn't joke( )him( )religious belief.

  A. with…to

  B. to…about

  C. about…with

  D. with…about

  4. Tom, you're not( )to go out tonight. It's raining heavily now.

  A. supposed

  B. ought

  C. thought

  D. considered

  5. The village is( )by the hills.www.Examw

  A. shut off

  B. shut in

  C. shut up

  D. shut out

  答案 1. D2.C3. D4. A5. B公共英语等级考试