
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 17:24:08 商务英语考试(BEC)
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  • Section Two
    ( Questions 18 – 22 )
    • you will hear another five short pieces.
    • For each piece, decide what the speaker is trying to do.
    • Write one letter ( A – H ) next to the number of the piece.
    • You will hear the five pieces twice.


    A place an order
    B make a complaint
    C change an appointment
    D give a warning
    E explain a delay
    F thank someone
    G make an arrangement
    H reject an offer

    Tape scripts:
    18. This is the third time I've called about this. It's a complete waste of my time and my staffs time. When we ordered the photocopier from you, you assured us it would be installed by one of your engineers and set up ready for use. Well, all your engineer basically did is plug it in and that was that. And now every time we switch it on, we get a warning message. But we don't know what it means because your man didn't even leave us a copy of the manual.

    19. Before we begin, I've been asked to tell you that Dr Jones has been delayed. That means he won't make it in time for his presentation on 'Dealing with Complaints'. Unfortunately, this means we've had to cancel the session and anyone who signed up for it should now choose between the other two sessions which are running this afternoon. Thank you. And now I'll hand you over to Kate.

    20. I'm just ringing to tell you about the positive feedback we've had on the presentation you gave the other day. I really appreciate you stepping in like that at the last moment. I know you were a bit nervous, but I'm very grateful you agreed to do it. And looking at the feedback forms, it seems the only complaint was about the size of the room. So, well done!

    21. I've checked with the Warehouse Manager and it seems there was a mix-up with the transport documents and your order was somehow sent to Gatwick instead of Heathrow. By the time the driver got back to Heathrow, he'd missed the next flight out. And then there was an announcement cancelling the last flight due to technical problems. Anyway, your order will be on the first plane tomorrow.

    22. Hello, David. This is Tina Woodhouse. I was just calling to say I'm actually busy on the 15th, so I won't be able to see you in the morning. In fact, I'll be out all that week. So, I was wondering, rather than delaying things any longer, could we bring everything forward to the 14th? If that's OK. for you, perhaps you could call me. My extension's 349.

    5 FUNCTION 1) 人员:security guard, receptionist, typist, (dictate), secretary, assistant badge 胸卡 salesperson, shop assistant, consultant, advisor, analyst, researcher too fussy/picky 挑三拣四的 expert, specialist, operator, cleaner, courier(通信员,联络员) engineer, machinist, technologist, technician 问题:problem, trouble, failure,breakdown,crackdown,out of order engineer 工程师 machinist 机械师 technologist 技术人员 technician 技工 tech-support 技术支持 trainer, trainee session 一次课 participant 参与者 fee 费用
    seminar(座谈 会),presentation, discussion, workshop group(分组)      airhostess, stewardess(空中小姐)      check in, luggage, case, purse, take off, land, arrive, board, window seat, aisle seat, briefcase(公文包) suitcase(拉杆箱)   住宿:预约 reserve/book  入住 check in 登记表 registration card room double room/twin room suite 套房 executive room 行政间     facility wake-up call, laundry, courteous bus(礼仪车), airport shuttle, river taxi 部门:headquarters, head office(总部),subsidiary, branch, office(分公司)
    2) 设备 printer(打印机), photocopier(复印机), fax(传真) answering machine(答录机) , projector(投影仪),scanner(扫描仪)     paper shredder(碎纸机), video player, video recorder     duplicate 复印 OHP 投影仪
    6 TOPIC 文件 bank statement 银行清算单 bank account(银行帐户), current account(活期帐户), deposit account(定期帐户) transfer 转帐   cash 现金 cheque 支票  interest rate 利率  exchange rate 汇率  bank holidy 银行假日 financial statement 财务报表 balance sheet 资产负债表   assets 资产 liabilities 负债 equity 权益 current assets 流动资产 fixed assets 固定资产 invisible assets 无形资产 profit and loss account 损益表 income statement revenue 收入 cost 成本 expenses 开支 net/gross income 毛/净收入 expenses claim form 报销申请表 reimburse,reimbursement 报销
    Questions 13-22
    Section One
    (Questions 13-17)
    You will hear five short recordings.
    For each recording, decide which type of document the speaker is talking about.
    Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.
    Do not use any letter more than once.
    After you have listened once, replay the recordings.

    13 ……………………………………

    14 ……………………………………

    15 ……………………………………

    16 ……………………………………

    17 ……………………………………
    A an invoice
    B a price-list
    C a bank statement
    D a receipt
    E a company cheque
    F a balance sheet
    G a contract
    H an expenses claim form

    Part Two. Question 13 to 22.
    Section One. Question 13 to 17.
    You will hear five short recordings.
    For each recording, decide which type of document the speaker is talking about.
    Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.
    Do not use any letter more than once.
    After you have listened once, replay the recordings.
    You have 15 seconds to read the list A-H.
    Now listen, and decide which type of document each speaker is talking about.
    Woman: Well no wonder the bank’s returned it unpaid. Look, the figures don’t match the amount in words. I expect someone was filling it in in too much of a hurry. Let’s see, we’d better issue another one straight away to pay Mrs Burton, because it’ll be another three weeks if we wait for the next cycle of payments. Her expenses on that sales trip were pretty high, and it wouldn’t be fair to keep her waiting much longer.

    Man: Some of the suppliers are already asking about the increases. I’ll check, but I seem to remember from last week’s meeting that in the end we agreed on three per cent. So that I’ll do is go down each column and calculate the new amounts, and then it can be printed in time to be inserted into the new brochures. Can you check the figures for me, though, before it goes to the printers?

    Woman: We’ve just received the paperwork from you about cleaning our premises, and I have to say that it doesn’t reflect what we agreed in our conversation last week. For one thing, it says that we have to supply our security code, and for another it specifies monthly payment in advance, and I told you both of those were out of the question. I’m afraid I really can’t sign this. Could you send me a revised one?

    Man: Of course, this only gives a very general picture. But as you can see, cash is a particularly healthy area. That’s even when we take into account regular outgoings on loans and leasing equipment, which are included in the final totals. And even more significantly, unpaid order are actually excluded from the final calculation. These represent a sum of approximately thirty thousand pounds. With that in mind, we can say that the company’s overall position is still strong.

    Woman: I’ve just asked the Arden Conference Centre about availability for our next training seminar, and they said they still haven't been paid for the one before last.. I’ve had to ask them to send a duplicate! We really must be careful. Arden give us very favourable prices, but we haven’t got a contract with them – Can you deal with it straight away so we stay in their good books?

    Now listen to the recording again.商务英语考试(BEC)