
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:58:22
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High school biology teaching paper: endangered animals rebirth is expected

Recently, American scientists using cloning cultivation of endangered species born, it is a pity that only named "Noah" Asian buffalo baby, two days after birth and death due to infection dysentery and. Scientists estimate that, after hunting and itself living the deterioration of the environment, the world had only about the Asian bison 3.6 million. Although "Noah" had died, but the researchers claim that it is cloning technology save endangered species of a major victory. The technique is is endangered or extinct soon wildlife hewed rebirth of the resurrection road.
"Noah" is the first with other species to pregnant uterine and smoothly through the embryonic development stage and gave birth to the animals. Another five Asian buffalo embryo implanted cloning heifer, are implanted automatically after the abortion. Experiment shows that cross species cloning is feasible. Autopsy results found that "Noah" death is not because it is a cattle or use cross species reproductie technologies, from diarrhea caused by the common in farm animals and deadly rate can amount to 100 percent. In order to create "Noah," the scientists from death has a medal for buffalo body cells implanted inside the egg, milk cow and remove egg DNA to ensure that gave birth to the Dallas mavericks are pure Asian bison, rather than buffalo and mixture of cows.
However, there are some scientists, to save the endangered animal cloning technology rejects the practice questioned. University of Iowa bioethics project principal Gary. KangSi wardak, said the animal is because you are not in the current environment survive, will become extinct, if environment don't improve, they cloned, just want to them to this world suffering.
In January, 2000, female goat "Celia" in northern Spain rugged plateau netherwhelp, unfortunately was crushed under the fallen trees. "Celia" death high-profile, because it is the world's last a thick MaoJu Angle cloth card more goats. The Spanish government was a strong protection cloth card many goats, but ultimately choke, and finally a cloth card more ram in 1991 death. Spain and U.S. researchers cooperate, going to use "Celia" cells left behind, cloned cloth card more goats. If the plan is successful, then can become cells cloned animal now extinct paradigm.
However, the world wildlife fund in Khartoum Aaron. Barak can na comments, said the (Celia) program is fundamentally science freak frankenstein monsters in together, I don't see it any value. Because the animal won't because the decrease in the number and endangered habitats disappear or, lies in the poaching, unless people to pay attention to these reasons, or by cloning does not solve the problem.
In Australia bono lung park wildlife center entrance near place one zhang animal skins, the instructions next to the show is this bag Wolf fur. But in fact Australia already see the animal's trail, bag Wolf because human killing and in 70 years ago was extinct. Australia's biologist decided to use DNA samples obtained from the specimen, biological cloning plan. They have found that animal cells to oxygen ribonucleic acid (DNA), were now being biological cloning plan. This only 6 months since 1866 bag Wolf specimen has soaked in alcohol solution preservation, scientists have completed from this specimen obtained in the heart, liver, muscle and bone marrow sampling began studying this animal genes password. When researchers reductive damaged specimens of genetic code, will the blueprint of gene implanted bag Wolf Cousins of the devils or bag anteater eggs breeding.
Although at present many parts of the world have cloned animal now extinct plans, but Australia's bag Wolf cloning plan is the first one can get good quality of DNA samples from research plan.

Im sorry... I can't make it... sorry~~~