英文编对话1.购物买衣服(8句)2.购物买水果(8句)3.打电话(8句)4.去野餐(8句) 没有分了可怜可怜我把

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:41:41
英文编对话1.购物买衣服(8句)2.购物买水果(8句)3.打电话(8句)4.去野餐(8句) 没有分了可怜可怜我把
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英文编对话1.购物买衣服(8句)2.购物买水果(8句)3.打电话(8句)4.去野餐(8句) 没有分了可怜可怜我把

英文编对话1.购物买衣服(8句)2.购物买水果(8句)3.打电话(8句)4.去野餐(8句) 没有分了可怜可怜我把
How much is the shirt?
It is $20.
What color do you like?
I like blue.
What size do you want?
It is M.
Can i try it on?
yes, fitting room is over there.
Does it fit?
yes, it does.
ok, i will take it.
Do you have any apples?
yes , we do.
how many do you want?
1 kg,pls.
anything else?
yes, i'd like some bananas. how much are they?
that's 20 Yuan.
here you are.
tks, here's your change.
hello, this is Angel, can i speak to Elizabeth?
hold on pls.
hello, this is elizabeth. who is that?
this is Angel, i want to tell you the meeting is at 3 pm, on March.4th. pls be on time.
ok, thank you. anything else?
no, that's all.
let's go picnic.
where do you want to go?
how about central park?
good idea, what should we take?
we can take some fruits and drinks. and we should bring some money.
yes, how do we get there? by bus or drive?
i think driving is more convenient, i have a car, we can drive there.
good, then i will meet you in your home, and you drive me there.
no problem.

英文编对话1.购物买衣服(8句)2.购物买水果(8句)3.打电话(8句)4.去野餐(8句) 没有分了可怜可怜我把 用英语编一段对话,急用,(1)打电话(2)问路(3)购物急用, 购物英文 用英语编对话假如妈妈带着王佳到商店购物,王佳和妈妈边选东西边练习英语,不少于8句 请求英语高手帮忙编一个英语情景对话,10个句子左右朋友昨天购物,我问他买什么,10句左右,每句长一点,急 英语购物对话 英语对话(购物) 英语购物对话范文 英语购物对话,语法要正确啊!你列了一张购物单,准备买一些玩具,一些巧克力和一个南瓜,下面编一段对话(你与营业员之间),至少80词. 一年一度的新春佳节即将到来,大家正忙于购物.假设你是李华,你正在服装店里购买一件毛衣,请用英文编一段你与售货员的对话.(至少6句) (初二英语) 内容是 假设一个购物场景,编一段对话(需提到颜色,型号)英语 40词 初一英语作文 购物对话全文差不多要20句 写作:同学们你给同学买过礼物吗?请你仿照课文情景编一组购物的对话,要求至少写出五句话 某服装商店出售一种优惠的购物卡,花一百元买这种卡后,凭卡可在这家商店按8折购物,什么情况下(购物总价达到多少元)买卡购物合算 求两人演的英语情景对话内容开头是问候语,和询问或介绍天气的对话,然后去旅游,购物买衣服,最后吃饭点餐和结束语结合在一起.(最好可以每写一句翻译一下)要每人10句话左右的,最好8号 怎样写英语购物对话? 购物中的英语小对话 购物英文怎么说