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Five Things to Know About The Green Hornet's Jay ChouBy Melody ChiuFriday January 14, 2011 07:45 PM EST Stealing the spotlight as the badass sidekick in his first Hollywood role, Jay Chou stars as half of the crime-fighting duo in Michel Gondry's new film The Green Hornet. Zipping around Los Angeles in Black Beauty, the Hornet's indestructible ride, Chou's character, Kato, undermines the city's gritty underworld as the brains and brawn of the operation. In real life, the 31-year-old ditches Kato's weapons and wields a microphone instead, selling out stadiums as one of Asia's brightest music superstars (his song "Nun-chuks" can be heard in the film). Before you catch the flick, opening Jan. 14, meet the Taiwanese native who's just as inventive – and smoldering – as his onscreen alter ego. 1. Music is his first love Wanting to stay on the straight and narrow, Chou used piano as an outlet to deal with any angst he had growing up in a single-parent household. "A lot of people think kids from single-parent homes turn out bad," he tells PEOPLE. "I wanted to prove them wrong, so I needed an outlet. Some play basketball and others drive fast cars. I make music." After receiving formal training in piano and cello, he began writing music in his teens for pop artists. His debut album, which consisted of songs others had rejected, went on to sell 2 million copies. Over the past 10 years, Chou has sold more than 28 million albums worldwide and has won four World Music Awards. 2. He learned to speak English in one month Despite having only a light accent in the film, Chou spoke close to no English before stepping on the set of The Green Hornet. "I spent three hours every day for a month memorizing the script and learning the meaning of the words," he says. "When audiences watch the movie, they might think my English is good, but I really don't know much." He even fooled co-stars Cameron Diaz and Seth Rogen, who recalled Chou improvising his lines several weeks into filming. "We were all like, 'What the hell?' " Rogen joked at the film's press junket earlier this month. "It took me 15 years to be able to do that." 3. His favorite American movie is TitanicWhile he plays a badass on screen and is a rocker in real life, Chou admits he's a big softie at heart. "I might look like an action movie kind of guy, but I love Titanic because it's so romantic," he tells PEOPLE. "I like making everyone think I'm a bad guy, but I'm really not." Unlike other rock stars, Chou insists he doesn't "smoke, drink or break guitars." 4. He did magic tricks for Cameron DiazSince learning magic tricks from a friend, Chou's been charming his way through music video shoots and movie sets. "I always cast foreign actresses for my videos," Chou says. "Since we can't communicate through words, I do magic tricks. Magic and music are similar. They're universal languages." The scene in which Kato flips a pen from his briefcase into a cup on Lenore's (played by Diaz) desk? All him. "He would come up with things [like that] on set," Diaz said at the junket, calling Chou a "phenomenal" magician. "He entertained us a lot with cards and slight of hand." 5. Fast food is his favorite part of AmericaBecause he's hounded by paparazzi in Asia, Chou says he feels more relaxed in America, where he's relatively unknown. "It feels like I'm on holiday," he admits. "I'm able to walk around markets and eat what I want because no one recognizes me." His favorite fast food joints? In-N-Out Burger, Carl's Jr. and Yoshinoya. "I love really fast food," he says. Other activities he enjoys in the states include sightseeing and playing basketball at Venice Beach. "I'm not as good as Kobe, but I'm pretty fast," he says.
《人物》专访:关于周杰伦 五件你需要知道的事Melody Chiu(作者) 于2011年1月14日在第一部好莱坞电影中以屌翻的助手一角抢尽风头,周杰伦在米歇尔刚瑞的青蜂侠中饰演打击罪犯搭档中的一个.在洛杉矶驾驶着黑美人--青蜂侠的无敌战车,周杰伦的角色加藤与这座城市的地下势力战斗.          在现实中,这个32岁的男人扔掉加藤的武器,拿起了麦克风,身为亚洲最耀眼的明星之一,他的唱片狂卖(他的歌双截棍可以在电影里听到).在你14日看到电影之前,来见识这位和在电影中同样有创造力同样闷骚的台湾人.          1. 音乐是他的最爱          因想做个地道的人,周杰伦用钢琴来发泄成长在单亲家庭中的焦虑情绪.“很多人认为单亲的孩子会学坏,”他告诉《人物》:“我想要证明他们是错的,所以我需要一个渠道.有些打篮球有些开快车(发泄),我做音乐.”          2. 他一个月学会了英语          尽管在电影中有轻微口音,周杰伦在拍青蜂侠前几乎不会说英语.“一个月内我每天花3个小时背剧本,学单词,”他说.“观众在看电影时可能以为我英文不错,其实我真的不大会说.”他甚至把罗根和迪亚兹也骗了.罗根在电影宣传时曾回忆周杰伦临场发挥,他说:“搞什么鬼,我花了15年才学会临场.”          3. 他最喜欢的美国电影是泰坦尼克号          尽管他在电影中是个打架高手,在现实中是个唱快歌的歌手,他称自己有柔软的内心.“大概我看起来是那种喜欢动作片的,但是我喜欢泰坦尼克号,因为太浪漫,”他告诉《人物》.“我喜欢让别人以为我是个坏人,但其实我不是.”和其他流行歌手不一样,周杰伦称他“不抽烟,喝酒,摔吉他”.          4. 他为卡梅隆迪亚兹变魔术          自从和一个朋友学会魔术,周杰伦就在mv和电影片场到处变魔术.“我的mv中总是有外国女演员,”周杰伦说,“因为我们不能用语言交流,我就变魔术.魔术和音乐很像,它们是国际语言.”有一场戏.剧透.“他会在片场上想出这类事,”迪亚兹曾说,并称周杰伦是个魔术巨星.“他总是用纸牌和戏法娱乐我们.”          5. 他对美国最喜欢的是快餐          因为在亚洲杯狗仔队包围,周杰伦说他在美国更放松,因他在这里不算出名.“感觉像度假.”他说.“我能逛市场,吃我想吃的因为没人认识我.”他最喜欢的食物?In-N-Out Burger, Carl's Jr. 和 Yoshinoya. “我喜欢快餐.”他说.他在美国喜欢做的其他事情包括观光和在Venice海滩打篮球.“我比不上科比,但我速度很快.”