英语文章.帮我找找下面英语文章的毛病!里面应该有很多毛病 大家帮我找找.里面还有一些问题希望帮我解决.分数我会加的、Ten Tips For English .\If you want to learn English well,you must be carefully to lear

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 07:47:55
英语文章.帮我找找下面英语文章的毛病!里面应该有很多毛病 大家帮我找找.里面还有一些问题希望帮我解决.分数我会加的、Ten Tips For English .\If you want to learn English well,you must be carefully to lear
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英语文章.帮我找找下面英语文章的毛病!里面应该有很多毛病 大家帮我找找.里面还有一些问题希望帮我解决.分数我会加的、Ten Tips For English .\If you want to learn English well,you must be carefully to lear
里面应该有很多毛病 大家帮我找找.里面还有一些问题希望帮我解决.分数我会加的、
Ten Tips For English .\
If you want to learn English well,you must be carefully to learn English.;There are ten tips for you.I hope that can help you.
1. You need to see some English movies,read many English books and magazines.You must watch some English TV show or listen to English pop music.(英语流行音乐 是不是这样说.)
2. Talk in English in everyday life.(介词对不?)And have some English activitives with your friend.Use English as much as you can.
3. Do many English exercises.
4. You need to often(often频度副词是不是放这里?)listen,say,read and write in English.And when you see new words,you must write them in your notebook and look up in dictionaries.(这第四点我最没把握对.)
5. When you do your homework you can listen to the English tapes.You have to always(频度副词位置问题 帮我解决下.) listen to English.
6. There are many words and sentences in your book.And you need to learn how to find the important point.These point can help you .
7. Out of the class,you need to often review the old knowledge. Because you may foeget it,
8. Listen carefully in class.That is important.
9. You often make mistakes in your exan or exercises.You must write them in your notebook.(想说“一本专门的本子 怎么说?)
10. You must have a objective.

英语文章.帮我找找下面英语文章的毛病!里面应该有很多毛病 大家帮我找找.里面还有一些问题希望帮我解决.分数我会加的、Ten Tips For English .\If you want to learn English well,you must be carefully to lear
you must be carefully to learn English--改you must be careful to learn English
I hope that can help you 改 I hope those can help you.
1.You must watch some English TV show or listen to English pop music.-----改You must watch some English TV shows or listen to some English pop music.(是这么说的)
4.You often need to .(often频度副词是不是放这里?)
5.Remember(加个这个),You always have to listen to English.
when you see new words,you must write them in your notebook and look up in dictionaries.------改when you encounter a new word,you must write it down and look it up in the dictionary.
9exan打错了 专门的本子:a certain notebook