
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 05:24:26
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Can I find my own cloud in the vast sky?

Will I see the beautiful cloud for me in the unbounded sky?

Whether a piece of cloud belonged to myself can be found in the immense sky?

Can I seek my own cloud in the vast sky?

Wondering if,
in the vast sky,
we can always find a cloud, just belonging to oneself ?

Whether can we find a cloud of our own in the vastness of the sky ?

I wonder , is there a piece of cloud in such vast sky which is belong to me....

Whether in the vast sky,finding a cloud belongs to myself?

I wonder whether I can find a cloud which belongs to me in the vast sky .

Could I possibly find a cloud that's just for me in the vast sky?

Can I find a cloud that belongs to me in the numerous sky?

Whether I can find a cloud which belongs to myself in the vast sky.

"Whether in the vast sky, for his cloud?"

Whether a piece of cloud can be found just for myself in this vast sky?

l wonder if l can find a piece of cloud that belongs to me in the vast sky .
也可说:i wonder if l might ultimately find a piece of cloud that bears my name in the immense sky.

Could I search for a piece of cloud
In the boundless blue sky
which belongs only to me

英语翻译“能否在浩瀚的天空里,寻找属于自己的一朵云?”这句话翻译成英语怎么写,英语翻译达人来啊送全分啊 作文寻找属于自己的天空 描写天空浩瀚的成语 “寻找只属于我的那片天空”英文怎么说 魏格纳在浩瀚如烟的资料中寻找大海漂移的证据明.修改病句 在浩瀚无边的宇宙,浩瀚是什么意思 “在这个浩瀚的世界里”用英语怎么翻译 求《寻找属于自己的天空 》、《耕种属于自己的土地》800字议论文 英语翻译我想在未来一个假期里去内蒙古草原.草原一定非常的广阔,虽然不及海洋的浩瀚,天空的博大.可是那种到处都是绿色的草地会让人心旷神怡.而且,秋季去的话,天高云淡,秋高气爽,各种 越来越接近精神的天空 阅读答案 ,就一题,谁来帮帮我拉正文:人,在人群里行走寻找他的道路,在人群里说话寻找他的回声,在人群里投资寻找他的利润,在人群里微笑寻找回应的表情.生而为人, 我想飞,飞过蔚蓝的天空,寻找那属于我的梦,歌名是啥? 启东我想飞,飞过蔚蓝的天空,寻找那属于我的梦,歌名是啥? 我们活在浩瀚的宇宙里在小时代哪一本里我们活在浩瀚的宇宙里这段话小时代的哪一本里,多少页 英语翻译昨晚我们在树林里寻找迷路的男孩(look for) 形容天空的浩瀚的四字成语 天空盛大,大海浩瀚,艺术无涯的错误是什么 宇宙、天空、世界,三者有什么区别?浩瀚的宇宙 白云,并不因为天空的广袤而羞于漂浮;小溪并不因为大海的浩瀚而停止歌唱 在仿写一句