ClozeDirections:There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A ,B ,C and D below the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Smoking is considered dangerous to the health.Our tobacc

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 08:43:31
ClozeDirections:There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A ,B ,C and D below the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Smoking is considered dangerous to the health.Our tobacc
xV[oG+E] R\ZJ}wlp д {ӦN6%/]gnoUss7wd:LCO/$!od"0ƈizWP 3+&`/P&m[ia dM"k GӨDKp$74E,i ;ʈ\xscG吋`8v*KU:#  Ї |B2GqAhl4Tq!̀@@*I kdgI@ ЪtX[J4o./"lXE!A0b#$dDu .K4B$> v:ysIUq4G4&' WJgFX΀. SҤLא0P2@H1|)[X,B/c -;N`gmA}E]RbN|ZWQZe8!$r -A#vH4̡Ί dmd8Q 0e2 t#glݩ 5o6!9Iܱڢ ceM{eA8|B9j: Nj̖t>ⴎ%ĹP2OiF|I,TcDd$0?A DcH{.C:2kC!BE) gB88*I |)As 0_Bepa[{|\ICo$R9rԼFηWG'@& >$~SCR. ;i`D1,0\ڲL!"mU/N;v;]66D)UZ- ՓSc\7nizH5N! '6+QL`9FiMgɀ(iq4Մ 4$_LpUeϬf *v<䋋;^ [ w @ƹn|yrrP|up){Jj2rDY7jڎq].crJ]n_{|6 ݧ:fR)꘩@[ܲX ^_ܾFҊ1Z[ӗ:V9xedR!VS¨z;ngՖ1z::uA6]_ne7_e;W

ClozeDirections:There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A ,B ,C and D below the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Smoking is considered dangerous to the health.Our tobacc
Directions:There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A ,B ,C and D below the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.
Smoking is considered dangerous to the health.Our tobacco-seller Mr.Johnson,therefore always asks his customers if they are very young,whom the cigarettes are bought – 1–.
One day,a little girl whom he had never seen before walked boldly into his shop and demanded twenty cigarettes.She had the exact amount of money in her hand and seemed very -2- of herself.Mr.Johnson was so surprised by her confident manner that he -3- to ask his usual question.Instead,he asked her –4-- kind of cigarettes she wanted.The girl replied readily and handed him the money.While he was giving her the -5-,Mr.Johnson said laughingly that as she was so young she should -6- the packet in her pocket in case a policeman saw it.-7-,the little girl did not seem to find this very funny.Without even smiling she took the -8- and walked towards the door.Suddenly she stopped,turned round and looked steadily at Mr.Johnson.There was a moment of silence and the tobacco-seller -9- what she was going to say.And at once,in a clear,firm voice,the girl declared,”My dad is a policeman," and with -10- she walked quickly out of the shop.
l.\x05A) for\x05 B) to\x05\x05C) with\x05 \x05D) by
2.\x05A) sure\x05 B) ashamed\x05C) fond \x05D) glad
3.\x05A) came\x05 B) forgot C) feared\x05 D) remembered
4.\x05A) that \x05 B) whether\x05C) what \x05 D) this
5\x05A) change B) warning \x05C) bill \x05\x05D) cigarettes
6..\x05A) cover\x05 B) take\x05 C) dip\x05\x05D) hide
7.\x05A) Nevertheless \x05 B) Moreover \x05C) Therefore \x05D) Then
8.\x05A) money\x05B) packet\x05C) advice\x05\x05D) blame
9.\x05A) doubted\x05B) considered \x05C) wondered\x05D) expected
10.\x05A) which \x05B) him\x05 C) that\x05 D) what

ClozeDirections:There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A ,B ,C and D below the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Smoking is considered dangerous to the health.Our tobacc
l.A\x09A) for香烟被买给谁,buy sth.for bought for sb.
\x09 B) to\x09\x09C) with\x09 \x09D) by 
2.A\x09A) sure由her confident manner 可以发现她很确定\x09 B) ashamed羞愧的\x09C) fond喜欢 \x09D) glad高兴
3.B\x09A) came\x09 B) forgot 他忘记了他老爱问的问题,问了他一个新问题 C) feared\x09 D) remembered
4.C\x09A) that \x09 B) whether\x09C) what 什么样的香烟,修饰kind\x09 D) this
5D\x09A) change B) warning \x09C) bill \x09\x09D) cigarettes当他给他香烟的时候,他建议他把袋子放进口袋
6.D\x09A) cover\x09 B) take\x09 C) dip\x09\x09D) hide因为怕看见,所以是藏在口袋里
7.A\x09A) Nevertheless 但是 ,转折点\x09 B) Moreover \x09C) Therefore \x09D) Then
8.B\x09A) money\x09B) packet前文出现\x09C) advice\x09\x09D) blame
9.C\x09A) doubted\x09B) considered \x09C) wondered不知道\x09D) expected
10.C\x09A) which \x09B) him\x09 C) that前文出现,在此指packet D) what

这么长的题目都打上来了 精神可嘉啊。
