煎鸡蛋的步骤(英文作答)1,……2,……3,……4,……拜托不要把写好的中文直接用机器翻译成英文 一点都不通顺

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:43:09
煎鸡蛋的步骤(英文作答)1,……2,……3,……4,……拜托不要把写好的中文直接用机器翻译成英文 一点都不通顺
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煎鸡蛋的步骤(英文作答)1,……2,……3,……4,……拜托不要把写好的中文直接用机器翻译成英文 一点都不通顺
拜托不要把写好的中文直接用机器翻译成英文 一点都不通顺

煎鸡蛋的步骤(英文作答)1,……2,……3,……4,……拜托不要把写好的中文直接用机器翻译成英文 一点都不通顺
1 Heat the pan on medium low. It is the right temperature when a few drops of water splashed on it sizzle but don't pop around. If the water pops around, the pan is probably too hot. Take it off the burner to let it cool down and adjust the burner to a lower temperature.
2 Put a tablespoon of oil or butter in the pan. Holding the pan by the handle, tilt it around until the oil is spread.
3 Tap the egg firmly on the edge of the counter or pan to crack it. Hold it close to the pan surface as you open it up. You don't want the yolk breaking before you even start.
Step5Allow the egg to cook until the white is firm and white on the bottom but is still jelly like over the yolk. It is a good thing if the egg is off center, it will be easier to flip.
4 Allow the egg to cook another minute (maximum) and then firmly slide the spatula under the whole egg. Take it out of the pan and place it onto the serving plate.

Use a standard non-stick medium skillet. Spray a very light coat of Pam or other cooking spray over the whole pan. Let the pan warm to a medium-low heat (like, 4 on a scale of 10).
(I am usually ...


Use a standard non-stick medium skillet. Spray a very light coat of Pam or other cooking spray over the whole pan. Let the pan warm to a medium-low heat (like, 4 on a scale of 10).
(I am usually a butter fan, but I don't recommend it for this. You need very light, even greasing that won't pool or burn.)

In a bowl, add a bit of milk to your three eggs. I don't know how to explain how much milk, because I forgot to measure it. I guess about a quarter of a cup -- it's an eyeball thing. Two heavy pours, or "gloop gloop." I know some people leave it out, but I believe the milk is the 1st key to a perfect omelet.
Add some seasoning to taste. I like a little salt and fresh-ground pepper, and a hit of Tony's. Whisk the eggs.

Pour the egg mixture in the skillet, and swish it around so that a fine layer of egg sticks to the side of the pan. (You might want to click on the "swish pic" at left to see the closeup.) Do this by picking up the skillet and rotating it slightly. This is Swish #1, and it is the 2nd key to the perfect omelet
Leave the egg mixture alone for a few minutes to allow it to cook and "set up." You will know the egg has cooked enough to proceed when the egg whites have actually turned white (you can see the white chunks in the picture).
While the egg cooks, take a minute to make sure your fillings are mise en place. Anything you like can go into an omelet. In my opinion, some sort of cheese is necessary because it makes the omelet hold nicely -- and then vegetables and meats are great additions. Today I've grabbed some diced turkey, fresh mushrooms, shredded cheddar, and a slice of swiss. I wish I had some chives, but it's no big deal. Other good fillings: ham, jack cheese, smoked salmon, bell peppers, crumbled bacon, proscuitto, spinach...
When the egg is about 70% cooked solid, it is time for the second swish. Whatever liquid mixture is left in the skillet, swirl it around the edges again to make the crispy edge layer thicker. Swish #2 is (wait for it) the 3rd key to the perfect omelet.
Let the omelet continue to cook until the crispy thin egg edge starts to pull away from the pan. (click at far left for the closeup) This is when to add your fillings.
Put your fillings in the omelet on one side only, in a half moon shape. I try to put the fillings on the opposite side from where the crispy edge started to pull away, since that side will probably be easiest to fold over. Leave a little room around the circumference so the fillings don't spill out.
The edges should really be pulling away from the pan now. Take your fork and run the tines around the outside edge of the omelet, to make sure the egg layer has not stuck. Then, you can use your thumb and forefinger to grab the empty side of the omelet and fold it over the fillings. Be gentle: the egg layer is delicate -- you don't want to tear it.

Get your plate out while you let the folded omelet sit for about 30 seconds. Take a spatula and run it under the omelet to make sure it is not stuck to the pan. Get ready for the slide!
Angle the skillet over your plate and slide. The omelet should slip nicely out of the pan and onto the plate. If you like you can use the spatula underneath to coax it. Yay!


1. Eggs will be opened on the bowl, stir evenly.
2. Ignition will be poured into the oil pan.
3. Wait for the hot oil, egg release.
4. Cooked eggs, shovel out.

1. Crack the egg into a small bowl
2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, then gently slide the egg off the bowl into the pan
3. Continue cooking approximately 2 minutes until the ...


1. Crack the egg into a small bowl
2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, then gently slide the egg off the bowl into the pan
3. Continue cooking approximately 2 minutes until the egg white solidifies from transparency into snow-white cream
4.Flip the egg to the other side,continue cooking for about 30 seconds. Place it on a plate and serve hot.


煎鸡蛋的步骤(英文作答)1,……2,……3,……4,……拜托不要把写好的中文直接用机器翻译成英文 一点都不通顺 盲人叫我看东西的阅读答案 阅读下面句子,按要求作答.(1)…… (2)…… (3)……阅读下面句子,按要求作答。(1)……(2)……(3)…… 年夜饭中的科学以“年夜饭”为主题,自编20道题目(八年级上策每张5题),每题参透“年夜饭”的情境,并作答.看清题目再作答,不是简介……。 how are your studies going?用英语作答…谢谢 有关于蛇的种类,学者请作答.毒性,习性,…… 有关于蛇的种类,学者请作答.毒性,习性,…… 为什么女人的思维总是很奇怪请作答…… 初中光学显微镜对光的步骤?请(1)、(2)、(3)……详细标明步骤,语言简略. 集合S={1,2,3,…,10}的四元子集T={a1,a2,a3,a4}中,任意两个元素的差都不为1,这样的四元子集T的个数为 (用数字作答) 求制作鸡蛋炒柿子的步骤(要英文的!)例如:1.##@$#@#!$#^%#2.#%$@$%^$#%$^#3.#@%$#$#%$%$**4.#%%&$#%$&%^$& 培根煎鸡蛋的英文怎么说 一箱鸡蛋先取出75%,再放10个回箱内,这是箱内的·鸡蛋个数正好是取出的二分之一,箱里原有多少个鸡蛋?解法:1+2=3 10/(75%-三分之二)=120(个)答:箱里原有120个鸡蛋.请问这些步骤的含义是 现代文阅读怎么作答?比如说景物描写的作用、解释句子的含义、分析行文的结构等等… 第二:诗词鉴赏...现代文阅读怎么作答?比如说景物描写的作用、解释句子的含义、分析行文的结构等 五个鸡蛋平均分给3个人如题,把五个鸡蛋平均分给三个人,鸡蛋不能破,怎么分,请高手指教啊……速度快,最好在半小时之内想出答案,急啊……1楼的:鸡蛋不能破,怎么做鸡蛋糕啊?2楼的:不能 取40g鸡蛋壳,加入足量的盐酸反应,完全……取40g鸡蛋壳,加入足量的盐酸反应,完全反应后将剩下的物质洗净晾干后称量为15g.(1)鸡蛋壳中碳酸钙的质量分数.(2)生成CO2的质量. 鸡蛋炒西红柿做法英文写出步骤做法 作文 鸡蛋的凝固点和沸点平时看到大人打鸡蛋,能看出鸡蛋属于液体……那么它的凝固点和沸点呢? 鸡蛋属于动物么 .有个选项说 、鸡蛋是实验中研究蛋白质……的理想动物材料.那,单说鸡蛋、它属于动物么