英语翻译原文如下:The notion that dating,mating,and marriage take place within a marketplace is a conceit universally observed by writers of comedic-dramatic television shows,directors of romantic comedies in Hollywood,and authors of “chick

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:43:51
英语翻译原文如下:The notion that dating,mating,and marriage take place within a marketplace is a conceit universally observed by writers of comedic-dramatic television shows,directors of romantic comedies in Hollywood,and authors of “chick
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英语翻译原文如下:The notion that dating,mating,and marriage take place within a marketplace is a conceit universally observed by writers of comedic-dramatic television shows,directors of romantic comedies in Hollywood,and authors of “chick
原文如下:The notion that dating,mating,and marriage take place within a marketplace is a conceit universally observed by writers of comedic-dramatic television shows,directors of romantic comedies in Hollywood,and authors of “chick lit” novels loosely based on plots from Jane Austen or Edith Wharton.Objective measures of eligibility—appearance,earning power,age—are understood to determine whether individuals will be perceived as desirable commodities (the six-foot-two investment banker; the communications director with a good decade of childbearing years still ahead of her) or relegated to the remainder bin,shopworn by blind dates and disappointments.
Rachel Greenwald’s new book,“Find a Husband After 35 Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School” (Ballantine; $22.95),takes the notion of the marketplace literally,and addresses those single women who worry that their comparative value is dwindling with each passing year.“You,the reader,are the ‘product,’” Greenwald,H.B.S.Class of 1993,writes.“And The Program”—her fifteen-step course to matrimonial satisfaction,which she also provides in workshops that she conducts around the country—“is a ‘strategic plan’ to help you ‘market’ yourself to find your future husband.” There are twenty-eight million single women in America,Greenwald writes,and a dedicated husband-hunter should be no less zealous than General Mills in distinguishing her product from the competition.Greenwald urges women to embrace the business practices they know from the workplace and apply them to private life.“When you’ve finished this book,you will be able to devise and advertise your personal brand,know how to get out of your rut,be able to create a winning plan to increase the volume of men you meet,conduct an exit interview and much more,” Greenwald promises.
In order to establish that “personal brand,” a woman must submit to rigorous market testing.She should convene focus groups among friends,former boyfriends,and workmates to learn whether she should grow her hair longer or wear red instead of beige.She should reflect on her Physical,Personal,and Other characteristics,and identify three of them (“Witty,Easy to Talk To,Golfer” or “Architect,Charming,International”) which will distinguish her from the pack.She should reinforce this brand message through the proven techniques of consumer marketing,including online marketing via Internet dating sites (
补上 原文的后半部分:(“Witty,Easy to Talk To,Golfer” or “Architect,Charming,International”) which will distinguish her from the pack.She should reinforce this brand message through the proven techniques of consumer marketing,including online marketing via Internet dating sites (Greenwald warns against using a slutty-sounding screen name or betraying a taste for Virginia Woolf or Danielle Steel,to which no man is expected to warm) and direct mail.Greenwald suggests that a single woman send,to a hundred or more friends,greeting cards bearing photographs of herself being witty or playing golf

英语翻译原文如下:The notion that dating,mating,and marriage take place within a marketplace is a conceit universally observed by writers of comedic-dramatic television shows,directors of romantic comedies in Hollywood,and authors of “chick
概念,即约会,交配,而婚姻发生在一个市场是一个自负普遍遵守的作家喜剧-戏剧影视表演,导演的浪漫喜剧片在好莱坞,和作者的"小鸡点燃"小说松散基于地块从奥斯丁或者伊迪丝华顿.客观措施的资格出庭,赚钱能力,年龄是可以理解的,以确定是否个人将被视为理想的商品( 6英尺两个投资银行家;通讯主任一个良好十年的生育年龄仍然领先她)或降级至其余斌,shopworn盲目日期和失望.
雷切尔格林威尔德的新著,"找到一个丈夫后,35用什么,我知道,在哈佛商学院" (百龄坛; $ 22.95 ) ,采取的概念,市场上从字面上来看,和地址,这些单身女性担心自己的比较价值,是越来越少,与每过一年."你,读者,是'产品' " ,格林威尔德,HBs的一流的,1993年写的."节目" -她1 5步的过程中,以婚姻满意,她还规定,在讲习会,她的行为围绕国家"是一个'战略计划' ,以帮助你'市场'的时候,找到你的未来丈夫"是28000000单身女性在美国,格林威尔德写道,以及一个专用的丈夫-猎人应不低于热心比通用磨坊区分,她的产品竞争.格林威尔德敦促妇女拥抱商业惯例,他们知道,从工作场所和运用他们的私人生活."当你完成了这本书,你将能够制订和宣传你的个人品牌,不知如何走出你的车辙,就一定能够创造一个打赢计划增加量的男人,你满足,进行出境访谈以及更多先进功能,"格林威尔德承诺.
为了建立"个人品牌" ,女人必须服从严格的市场测试.她应召开重点群体的朋友,前男友,和.Workmates学习,她是否应该长大,她的头发长或穿红色而不是米色.她应该反思自己的身体,个人,和其他特征,并确定其中三人( "妙语连珠,轻松交谈,打高尔夫球"或"建筑师,迷人的国际" )将有区分,她从包.她应强化这一品牌信息,通过行之有效的技术消费市场,其中包括在线营销透过互联网交友网站


英语翻译原文如下:The notion that dating,mating,and marriage take place within a marketplace is a conceit universally observed by writers of comedic-dramatic television shows,directors of romantic comedies in Hollywood,and authors of “chick notion 英语翻译英语翻译:Another popular misconception is the notion that great talent is usuallyhighly specific. 英语翻译原文如下:Venture capital investment duration in Canadaand the United States 英语翻译Investigating the use of the stakeholder notion in project management literature,a meta-analysis如何翻译 英语翻译原文如下:The host computer givesposition,speed,and torque command to the servo drivethrough serial bus. 英语翻译请勿使用翻译软体!文章如下:An important concept that underlies taxonomies is the notion of inheritance.Each node is a subgroup of the node above it,which means that all of the properties of the higher-level node are automatic 英语翻译cholce in developing program leads to the notion that programming is an art rather than a scioncc. 英语翻译The notion that capitalists should allow communists to companies is,some argue,taking economic liberalism to an absurd extreme. 英语翻译Equally important in this discourse is the notion that parents,with little input by the key stakeholders,arrange the marriage. 英语翻译The notion that values cannot transcend class,race more than the idea of hard work.各位的翻译都惨不忍睹。 英语翻译it is hard for both sides to come to an agreement on this complicated issue,but I still commit to the notion that. 英语翻译the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories谢谢catastrophe在这里怎么翻译呢 go beyond the simple notion that 怎么讲 英语翻译5 The Bet原文也可以 英语翻译是模具的说明书,原文如下:All casting which fail to comply with any of the requirements of this specification are subject to rejection 英语翻译Onliine culture thinks highly of notion that the information flowing onto the screen comes yhere by specific requst.Once commerical promotion begins to fill the screen univented,the distinction between Web and TV(television) fades.并说 英语翻译1、The supplemental measureties the poverty threshold to what the poorest third of Americans spend on food,housing,clothing,and utilities.2、The new measure embraces a relative notion of poverty:people are automatically poor if they'r