29._______of the people was given a piece of paper when entering the room. A.Every B.All C.Some D.Each选什么啊 ,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 18:46:25
29._______of the people was given a piece of paper when entering the room. A.Every B.All C.Some D.Each选什么啊 ,为什么
xRNA~y͐ !'4[; n(JEX(Ѐc](3앯г3hohzѽ39ubf Nm33[B&r2d ;C\*6Ƶ xe/PdzYO Rx\MƔVF|}>s#ҁ H7ۆh@oR!Nz73xל_l? ؖr:@->w5S\1epcZ0sգHAIj$?yY')i! y" W;" 0b~ ky^u/̓WXQ(袣U/3|YQ s8.n37qeػMݤ(;y׿\-QR #L^]V*r3l:OAr ?D%K/v`Dm @pK|- $gu 5d/=ˇܗI}.ސ> NA4< }'茥/5-

29._______of the people was given a piece of paper when entering the room. A.Every B.All C.Some D.Each选什么啊 ,为什么
29._______of the people was given a piece of paper when entering the room.
A.Every B.All C.Some D.Each
选什么啊 ,为什么

29._______of the people was given a piece of paper when entering the room. A.Every B.All C.Some D.Each选什么啊 ,为什么
如果用Every,就必须是Every one of the ...,因此排除A

后面是用单数,所以只能考虑A和D,但通常情况下,every不能单独用,后面必须跟one or thing合成为everyone or everything.


没有every of的用法

这个是主谓一致,根据后面的动词是单数 所以BC排除了

Guangdong Province is in the _______of China In the _______of the night he goes home.填什么? We study for the peo'ple中的谓语是? 29._______of the people was given a piece of paper when entering the room. A.Every B.All C.Some D.Each选什么啊 ,为什么 英语翻译Potatoe is _____ _____ than the strawberry.The _______of the tomato and the strawberry_____ _____. China has the largest population in the world,and about one fifth of the peo 今天气温有多少度 英文What's the _______ _______of the temperaure today? We eat the leaves of cabbage(对the leaves提问) ______ _______of cabbage do you eat? he made the record at the _______of 26.he ate 29 hambugers. This book is the _______of the six.A thinnest B thickest C thinnest 英语翻译Being adopting a baby hopes the people who lives ,is sanguine; Hope the peo 你想要什么颜色的帽子?What _______of the _______ do you ________? He gave a present to _______of the children. A. both B. every C. all D. each what's the _______of mountain?A height B high C hight D heigh速求 3.She is _______of the two.A.the cleverest B.the cleverer C.the clever D.cleverest Two Chinese boys,Zhang Hai is _______of the two.A the taller B taller C the tallest D tall of all the things we eat and drink,water is the most important.not mang peo-pie . 英语翻译Based on the analysis of the chemical structure of polycarboxylate-type superplasticizers with polyoxyethylene (PEO) side chains,thedispersing properties for cement particles were investigated.Analyzed characteristics were the PEO side ch