Some books and a pencil-box______in the bag. A.are C.have D.has

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:11:13
Some books and a pencil-box______in the bag. A.are C.have D.has
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Some books and a pencil-box______in the bag. A.are C.have D.has
Some books and a pencil-box______in the bag. A.are C.have D.has

Some books and a pencil-box______in the bag. A.are C.have D.has
A.are Some books and a pencil-box 看做一个整体 表示复数概念


There are some books,a pen and a pencil on the table,________there? there're some books and a pen in the bag 改为一般疑问句《 》there 《 》books and a pen in the bag? is there a pen and some books on the desk?肯定回答是yes,there is 还是yes there are 英语多项提升阅读四年级You can see a ruler,a pen,some books and some flowers in it.(改为同义句)答案 two pen a books need i and组成句子 There___ a pen and two books on the desk. There is (are) a pen and some books on the desk 此句中,为什么既可there is 又可用there are? books a are and pen there some the on desk 连词成句 佬出的.老师亲自查的错了的话要打板子10 there (is are) a pen and some books on the desk .桌上有一支钢笔和几本书用is还是are,还是两个都行? There some paper and a pen on the desk.There ___ some paper and a pen on the desk. there is a pen and two books on the desk.还是there are a pen and two books on the desk?对这语法不懂,急用! there is a pen and tow books on the desk.对 a pen and tow books 提问,该咋样提呢?用is 还是are? There 什么a pen and two books on the deskThere 什么a pen and two books on the deskA .is B.are C.was D.were there are a pen,a knife and several books on the desk.哪错了? There is a computer and some books on the desk对画线部分提问 画线:a computer and some books 连词组句 WANT,I,BUY,TO,A PEN,TWO EXERCISE,BOOKS,AND (.) There_two books and a pen on the desk?怎么讲,具体些? 改错 There are a pen and tow books on the desk.