energy和strength,power 的区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 09:54:37
energy和strength,power 的区别
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energy和strength,power 的区别
energy和strength,power 的区别

energy和strength,power 的区别
energy 原是物理学上的术语“能量”, 用于人时则指“精力”, 如:
He worked with great energy.
power 力量,能力
strength 使个人的行为,行动变为可能的力量 power(物理上或自然具备的)力量,能力[of] the power of nature 自然力 to the best of one';s power 尽最大力量 do all in one';s power 尽力而为 I did all in my power to save the boy from drowning 我尽全力去救那个男孩使他免於溺水 He has the power of holding his audience 他具有吸引住听众的能力 b. [the power]<做…的>力量,能力 She is said to have the power to foretell the future 据说她有预测未来的能力 2 [powers](身体上,精神上的自然)能力,体力,智力 His powers were failing 他的体力在衰退 lose one';s powers 丧失体力;衰老 a man of great mental powers [ 才智横溢]的人 3 (U)权力,势力,控制力;政权 the party in power 执政党 come to [into] power 掌权;得势 rise to [fall from] power 取得[失去]权力 be in a person';s power 在某人之掌握中[控制下] have a person in one';s power 可随意操纵[支使]某人 have power over ... 控制...
strength 1 (U) a. 力,力量,体力 a man of great strength 大力士 with all one';s strength 尽全力 b. <做…的>力量,体力 I don';t have the strength [haven';t strength enough] to lift this box 我没有[没有足够]力气提起这个手提箱 2 (U)(精神上的)力量;智力;能力;道义感 strength of mind [will] 精神[意志]力 3 a. 长处;优点 His strength lies in his honesty 他的长处是诚实 b. 凭恃,依靠,支持 God is our strength 上帝是我们的力量[支持…] 4 (U) 抗力,持久力 the strength of a bridge 桥的抗力[强度] 5(U) a. 势力,威力;资力 national strength 国力 military strength 军事力量 b. 兵力;人数,人手 battle strength 战斗力 at full strength 全体动员地,以全力 in full [great] strength 以全体[巨大]力量 What is your strength ? 你们(一共)有多少人? 6(议论等的)说服力 7(U) 强度,强固, 浓度,浓淡 the strength of a light [sound] 光[声音]的强度 the strength of a solution 溶液的浓度 ○1They would be delighted to do all in their ________ for Dorothy, who had set them free from slavery. A. right B. mind C. strength D. power 答案D ○2Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your ________ to resolve it. A. energy B. power C. strength D. force 答案 B