Among the most important questions people want______is “how to keep the present economic growth without causing damage to the environment?”A answer B being answered C answered D answering请详细分析句子成分和结构

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 06:20:26
Among the most important questions people want______is “how to keep the present economic growth without causing damage to the environment?”A answer B being answered C answered D answering请详细分析句子成分和结构
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Among the most important questions people want______is “how to keep the present economic growth without causing damage to the environment?”A answer B being answered C answered D answering请详细分析句子成分和结构
Among the most important questions people want______is “how to keep the present economic growth without causing damage to the environment?”
A answer B being answered C answered D answering

Among the most important questions people want______is “how to keep the present economic growth without causing damage to the environment?”A answer B being answered C answered D answering请详细分析句子成分和结构
Among the most important questions people want __ is "How to keep the present economic growth without causing damage to the environment?"
A.answer B.being answered C.answered D.answering\x05
这里的people want answered是个定语从句,先行词为前面的the most important questions,关系代词作want的宾语.
所以改为陈述句应该是:people want the questions (to be)answered,其中anwered作宾语补足语.

前后都可以不看,你就看people want这里,这是一个主语从句,指代一个question,而问题是被回答,所以question和answer是被动关系,所以用过去分词,排除ad,而不选b是因为在非谓语动词里面要省略being.还要那个is是因为前文的意思是在这众多问题中的一个。给你个例句。what you want is money.这里也是用is...


前后都可以不看,你就看people want这里,这是一个主语从句,指代一个question,而问题是被回答,所以question和answer是被动关系,所以用过去分词,排除ad,而不选b是因为在非谓语动词里面要省略being.还要那个is是因为前文的意思是在这众多问题中的一个。给你个例句。what you want is money.这里也是用is


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