英语高手请进 代词one,ones 与that的区别The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in DonguanThe streets in Beijing are wider than “ones” in Donguan 这两句话那句对那句错

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:47:36
英语高手请进 代词one,ones 与that的区别The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in DonguanThe streets in Beijing are wider than “ones” in Donguan 这两句话那句对那句错
xTn@aWE]T|?!6 N䙂s 5i4cGDPI 4y_Zx/pg&-+$ۚ{9><ܼ(|ag|XAA'bTGp_Ŭ x z%j[4avƈPcJF+rȷ"'U=Ӂ(YhC,qp+nA j{P ]/<|fh؊]^jŕv4(i5L {$ep

英语高手请进 代词one,ones 与that的区别The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in DonguanThe streets in Beijing are wider than “ones” in Donguan 这两句话那句对那句错
英语高手请进 代词one,ones 与that的区别
The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in Donguan
The streets in Beijing are wider than “ones” in Donguan 这两句话那句对那句错

英语高手请进 代词one,ones 与that的区别The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in DonguanThe streets in Beijing are wider than “ones” in Donguan 这两句话那句对那句错
2.it:替代若系本身物,it 代单数 they 代复数
it is hers/they are theirs
3.有的时候通用:that/it is great!
4.one 和ones 指代前面已经说过的物品,放在前面一句话之后紧接着的句子中,做宾语用.one 指代单数物品,ones 指代复数物品
The apples here are very small,this is the biggest one.
ones (those后+名词复数)
girls in this class are beautiful,those ones are the hottest!
5.the one(特指,后面为定语从句)
The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in Donguan
the streets是泛指街道 为不是特指一条街道

The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in Donguan

英语高手请进 代词one,ones 与that的区别The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in DonguanThe streets in Beijing are wider than “ones” in Donguan 这两句话那句对那句错 代词it,they与替代词one,ones,the one,the ones,that,those的用法区别 one与ones区别;;; one与ones区别;;; one/the one/ones/the ones/that/those作为代词的用法及区别? 代词的 用法 (英语)that it those these one ones 等代词的用法和区别,他们分别代指什么.如何运用如果回答完整, 天下第一难题!英语高手请进! 信号与系统高手请进∈(3-t)∈(t)等于什么? 如何区分英语中代词it 与one的差异 关于代词的英语选择题Now that the new computers have been bought,______will you do with these old______?A、how,ones B、how,one C、what,one D、what,ones为什么选“D”?有什么原因么? 几个高中英语语法代词题目7.One of them hasn’t got __D_ lessons prepared.A.her B.itsC.one’s D.his26._A__ must do ___ best to serve the people.A.One…his B.One…herC.One…one D.Ones…ones’56.In one single year,rats eat 40 to 50 tim ones one one's ones' ones one one's ones' 广告英语高手请进,Print Production是什么意思? 这首歌的英文翻译,英语高手请进 listen 的动名词是什吗英语高手请进 IT英语高手请进,“destination computer 英语高手请进,as+形容词+as+代词为什么不能说Saif knew that the other applicants weren't as good as him.而要说Saif knew that the other applicants weren't as good as he (was).但我怎么觉得I am as tall as him读起来很通呢?这