The president made a speech ___ he expressed his satisfaction.A.which B.where which为什么不能用Where?where也可用于抽象的场景名词呀如:(09福建)It’s helpful to put children in a situation D.where they can see themselves d

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 06:46:07
The president made a speech ___ he expressed his satisfaction.A.which B.where which为什么不能用Where?where也可用于抽象的场景名词呀如:(09福建)It’s helpful to put children in a situation D.where they can see themselves d
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The president made a speech ___ he expressed his satisfaction.A.which B.where which为什么不能用Where?where也可用于抽象的场景名词呀如:(09福建)It’s helpful to put children in a situation D.where they can see themselves d
The president made a speech ___ he expressed his satisfaction.A.which B.where which
为什么不能用Where?where也可用于抽象的场景名词呀如:(09福建)It’s helpful to put children in a situation D.where they can see themselves differently.
(09北京)–What do you think of teaching,Bob?
–I find it fun and challenging.It is a job _________ you are doing something serious but interesting.
A.where B.Which C.When D.that
It is a job _________ you are doing something serious but interesting.不是强调句,A job you are doing something serious but interesting不是一个正确的句子,答案是where在后面从句中作状语。意思为:你在这分工作中做一些严谨但却有趣的事。

The president made a speech ___ he expressed his satisfaction.A.which B.where which为什么不能用Where?where也可用于抽象的场景名词呀如:(09福建)It’s helpful to put children in a situation D.where they can see themselves d
选C为最佳,如选B,则把speech看做抽象的地点,在英语中,可看作抽象的点的词主要有:case point,job,degree,situation ,reception ,activity,position.不能把speech看做抽象地点

因为where在表示抽象场景名词时要有先行词,而你说给的句子中主句和从句所表示的是一种因果联接关系,需要的引导词应当引导整个句子而不是一个词。麻烦您进一步解析,“而你说给的句子中主句(The president?)和从句所表示的是一种因果联接(具体什么因果?)关系,需要的引导词应当引导整个句子而不是一个词。”这个句子的先行词就是speech呀,不是整个句子。期等回复,谢谢!...




本题句一句强调语句 。没有It is that :(A job you are doing something serious but interesting).这个句子还是正确的。
加了It is that 之后:It is a job that you are doing something serious but interesting.
强调语句在把It i...


本题句一句强调语句 。没有It is that :(A job you are doing something serious but interesting).这个句子还是正确的。
加了It is that 之后:It is a job that you are doing something serious but interesting.
强调语句在把It is that 去掉之后还是正确的,想判断是不是强调语句,那就先把It is that 去掉之后,看句子正确与否,意思变了没有。



D it is(was) that ... 是强调句型,把要强调的成分放that前

people made him ___of the country 1.a president 2.president be a president be president Jack was made ___of the country A.a president B.president be a president be presidentA,D有什么区别啊?到底选哪个 the president made a private school in that school.主语语态改被动语态 The president made a speech ________ he expressed his satisfaction.A.which B.where which that After Clinton, George Bush was____ of the USA. A.elected President B.chosen a president C.made tAfter Clinton, George Bush was____ of the USA.A.elected President B.chosen a presidentC.made the President D.offered presidentA pe The president made a speech ____ he expressed his satisfaction.用的是where 还是in which 理由的是什么 请问 country 与 nation 的区别.Last night the President made a Tv address to the ____ for B.state C.nation The Preside made a fine speech which the house.The President made a fine speech which the house.A.brought away B.brought into C.brought down D.brought up The President made a fine speech which ___________ the houseA.brought into B.brought away C.brought down D.brought up A Letter to the College President The ____speech by the president made the young man rather___(encourge)选择形式填写 The ____speech by the president made the young man rather___(encourge) Us President Obama g____ a TV speech to his country's students o___ the first day of school.He made的意思 Dr.wood,director of the hospital,was made president of the society. the speech the president made yesterday is reallyA:impressive B:impressedC:depressedD:depress选哪个?为什么? He is _____ the president of the country A.selected B.made可我觉得应该选B 选拔某人为...不应该加as吗?不是有made sb +职位 让某人担任 这个短语吗? 1.The president requested that the committee( )the problem more carefully.A.studied B.studyC.would study D.must study2.The volunteers who have ( ) good knowledge of ( ) English language made a great contributionto the overall success of the 2008 空 the meeting himself give them a great deal of encouragement.Athe president will attend Bthe president to attend Cthe president attended D the president's attending