-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire with Aunt Li ,Mom ------Surely not.________ Acongratulations BWith pleasure CGood luck DHave fun 为什么是D,我觉得是C -----You can use MSM to talk with Vivian o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:59:49
-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire with Aunt Li ,Mom ------Surely not.________ Acongratulations BWith pleasure CGood luck DHave fun 为什么是D,我觉得是C -----You can use MSM to talk with Vivian o
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-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire with Aunt Li ,Mom ------Surely not.________ Acongratulations BWith pleasure CGood luck DHave fun 为什么是D,我觉得是C -----You can use MSM to talk with Vivian o
-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire
-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire with Aunt Li ,Mom ------Surely not.________ Acongratulations BWith pleasure CGood luck DHave fun 为什么是D,我觉得是C -----You can use MSM to talk with Vivian on the Internet .------I know.But can you tell me _____?Awhen l can use it Bwhat l can use it 为什么是A,我觉得是B

-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire-----Do you mind if l go to the camp fire with Aunt Li ,Mom ------Surely not.________ Acongratulations BWith pleasure CGood luck DHave fun 为什么是D,我觉得是C -----You can use MSM to talk with Vivian o
第一个:因为他们是去玩,所以他妈妈说“have fun”是“玩的开心”的意思,等于“enjoy yourself”.
第二个:when I can use it 是宾语从句,是说你能告诉我“我什么时候可以用它(软件)”,what不能在这里用,因为what开头的宾语从句肯定缺主语或宾语/表语(what充当主/宾/表语),而when开头的宾语从句里,主宾是俱全的.I是主语,it是宾语.

第一题,当别人去游玩时说have fun祝别人玩得开心,good luck祝好运一般用在参加比赛上面。第二题 B的语法是错误的,因为what做use的宾语,应该是what i can use 才对.第二问还是不懂就是初中两句的经典的例子:what to do ;how to do it . What to do 相当于 to do what,do是谓语动词 后面加宾语也就是what,中文意思就是去...


第一题,当别人去游玩时说have fun祝别人玩得开心,good luck祝好运一般用在参加比赛上面。


d是玩的高兴 c是祝你好运

C多用于鼓励鼓舞…比如别人参加比赛考试之类的…你说 good luck D是玩的开心的意思


题目: 妈妈,我可以和李阿姨一起去篝火晚会吗?---当然可以,____。congratulations 祝贺
with pleasure 乐意效劳
good luck 祝你好运
have fun 玩得愉快
题目: 你可以用MSN在网上和Vivian聊天。----我知道。但你能告诉我____。


题目: 妈妈,我可以和李阿姨一起去篝火晚会吗?---当然可以,____。congratulations 祝贺
with pleasure 乐意效劳
good luck 祝你好运
have fun 玩得愉快
题目: 你可以用MSN在网上和Vivian聊天。----我知道。但你能告诉我____。
