英语-----名词 选什么答案.为什么.6.This is one of the books that ---written in English .A.have B.has been C.are D.is7.Tom made a-----to the northwest of China last year.A.travel B.journey C.visit D.stay8.The singer and teacher who --- givi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:50:17
英语-----名词 选什么答案.为什么.6.This is one of the books that ---written in English .A.have B.has been C.are D.is7.Tom made a-----to the northwest of China last year.A.travel B.journey C.visit D.stay8.The singer and teacher who --- givi
xUSFW1 6$a&^re!R%F0d' Kpii?ڵtз2'Ms!5}o'ճݺ?VUJqnk헕?s@m4T0gT69Gd鎣pt[eRȢ iaZEkF! SnUyȓG*1ETômI&ٲJ, X1! .cEi;dU֍j1 KQBV_ǧT#B8|IDx}/FUkִĘṗi H.O)^B"FLQM0`p|?$GC@#Y!s*gXXì}cF '"|0O c߼ R9tN ';JY뇡n6AOSE+U֨p[k::KAc8@{ ZD'˓[mb(:/gyUܰs?.& OYiNDA h@-8Gt:IE9G_]E1(k\L00+y*U` @/6^P'8fOיC/Hi ۫a`.b;~ѠNŌ AUZҤ+rqBBڬ%o8r%8V @,lm#>!T!<" n}{7x;i8W'醗]O^*HJͱZ+.UոzNm w궢(觥fI4pw<+޿^:`3Z.ELKHC_5 !b#%7"y׃8wdʆB/J~zoBWƆjp_~

英语-----名词 选什么答案.为什么.6.This is one of the books that ---written in English .A.have B.has been C.are D.is7.Tom made a-----to the northwest of China last year.A.travel B.journey C.visit D.stay8.The singer and teacher who --- givi
英语-----名词 选什么答案.为什么.
6.This is one of the books that ---written in English .
A.have B.has been C.are D.is
7.Tom made a-----to the northwest of China last year.
A.travel B.journey C.visit D.stay
8.The singer and teacher who --- giving performance now --- known to us all.
A.is,are B.are,are C.is,is D.are,is
9.------enough for him.
A.One and a half cakes is
B.One and a half cake is
C.One cake and one half are
D.One and a half cakes are

英语-----名词 选什么答案.为什么.6.This is one of the books that ---written in English .A.have B.has been C.are D.is7.Tom made a-----to the northwest of China last year.A.travel B.journey C.visit D.stay8.The singer and teacher who --- givi
6 c 先行词是one of 定语从句中用复数,如果one前有the only则从句中用单数
7 c make a visit to 固定短语:访问,拜访;参观
8 c 先行词仅仅就一个人,所以都要用单数,如果是The singer and the teacher则要用复数
9 d one and a half 后一定要加复数名词,谓语也用复数


我的答案是:C B C B

解析:that这里引导的是定语从句,先行词是books,被动很明显,所以答案可以是have been 或是are

解析:这道题C\D可以首先排除(visit是拜访而stay是停留),那么剩下A和B,而made a journey固定搭配所以选择B


解析:that这里引导的是定语从句,先行词是books,被动很明显,所以答案可以是have been 或是are

解析:这道题C\D可以首先排除(visit是拜访而stay是停留),那么剩下A和B,而made a journey固定搭配所以选择B
解析:The singer and teacher 指同一个人所以用单数,而The singer and the teacher 指两个人。
(4)A.One and a half cakes is
解析:One and a half +可数复数名词+谓语必须用单数


名词----英语题.选什么答案.为什么..I tried every ------ to make him give up smoking,but failed.A.mean B.way C.meaning D.means 英语名词为什么要分为可数名词和不可数名词 英语中什么叫名词 英语里什么叫可数名词?什么叫不可数名词?怎么区分?什么句子能加进可数名词?什么句子能加进不可数名词百度上的答案我感觉不标准 英语名词单数变复数的答案 英语 名词 单选 英语 名词 单选 关于名词的英语练习.I found my bisck cat in _______roomA Jim and Mike'sB Jim's and Mike's 选哪个答案,为什么. 英语单选:there is good___ for you.I've found your lost watchA.newsB.ideasC.messagesD.thoughts麻烦说明选答案的原因… ths额 不可数名词为什么还有s啊- - D不也是不可数名词么 英语题--------关于名词的/ 写清楚选择什么答案.为什么选择此答案.---------is needed in cold countries.A.A lot of clothes B.Much clothingC.Many a cloth D.Lots of clothes 英语什么叫名词在什么情况下用名词 ____ good health you have!a How a b.What C.How D.What a 选什么 为什么?How + adj +a/an 单数名词 What a/an + 单数名词 按照以上说法 应该选c 答案为什么是B 英语中的可数名词和不可数名词有什么区别 英语fish是集体名词吗,它是什么名词? 英语中名词的用法?什么叫不可数名词举例说明 英语中的蒜为什么就是不可数名词? 英语中“名词修饰名词”与“形容词修饰名词”有区分的界限吗?通常分别适用于什么情况?如:Random Acts of Kindness.随时随地做好事.请问这里的random是用做形容词还是名词?为什么? 应该选什么答案 为什么