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个人推荐 不错哟
I enjoyed every single second on the stage
It all happened as if it was yesterday. I can still remember the exact moment when Zhao Yinqi said that all of the six votes were for me. Many people say that I didn’t react much to that announcement. Well, it’s because I couldn’t believe my ears! I was waiting for somebody to wake me up……
Anyway, the competition started a long time ago in April. Since it’s the first time for me to take part in the competition, I had a really hard time through the whole thing. Back in April, when my teacher first told me that I was gonna sign up for the 2007 Star of Outlook English Talent Competition, I hesitated. Because I’m a junior 3 student, and everybody knows that Zhongkao was coming up! It was a way too risky for me. I could lose in both events. But with the school and my parents supporting me, I entered the competition and finally was ready to rock n’ roll. It was quite hard for me at school where I had to both study hard and prepare for the competition. The good thing is everything went along quite smoothly in Ningbo. I successfully entered the finals of the competition in Zhejiang province. There I saw many great English speakers and made friends with some of them. As far as I know, quite a few of them had taken part in the competition for a few times already. They said that I must have been a lucky dog to come this far in just one try. Therefore, I had the motivation to go further and give it my best shot. Just when I was so excited that I won the top grade prize in Zhejiang province and was permitted to go to Beijing for the national finals, I had to deal with one of the most difficult problems. The thing is that I had to take part in Zhongkao on June 15, but I have to be in Beijing by then if I made it to the finals. The schedule clashed together and I was at the edge of the cliff. My parents said that I could come back again next year and should be preparing for the exam right away. I thought I was ready to say goodbye to the competition. On the other hand, my teachers and classmates are definitely with me on this one! The principal even went to the school board himself and applied for an exam-free certificate in order for me to go to Beijing without any worries about Zhongkao. Therefore, my parents had no reasons for not supporting me to go to Beijing and go on with the national finals.
The semifinals started on the 9th of June. The first round was the written test. It wasn’t as bad as I thought, I got a 90! There’s nothing much to talk about the exam, but the first round is where I first met all of the contestants. I soon made friends with Mike (contestant 14) and Li Siyao (contestant 11)from Sichuan province. They were both great English-speakers, and we all made it to the top 10 together.
Now, I’m not gonna go into the details about the PK rounds or how I promoted. I’m sure you’ve watched the whole competition on TV, and therefore you’re probably clearer about the whole process than I am. Anyway, here I’d like to share something that cannot be shown on TV but something you can only feel when you’ve actually taken part in the competition. First, I wanna emphasize that this is not just a competition about how well you speak English, but about how you express yourself, your personalities and characteristics through this beautiful language. To tell the truth, when you are at top 10, there’s not much of a difference with your English speaking skills between the contestants. Some of you might say that I’ve been to Canada for 3 years and that must have been unfair to the others. What can I say, Rick (contestant 18) the runner-up has been to USA for 8 years, and I don’t think it affecting much. Because going abroad is just another way of learning English, that’s all. And the other contestants who’ve gone to EF to learn English speak English just as well! Back to my point, the top 10 contestants are all winners at how well they speak English.
Second of all, I just wanna say: I love the game! I enjoyed every single second on the stage. Though I’m probably the one who gets to go on the stage the least (I’ve never PK-ed before), I still loved the process. The experience of this competition definitely beats being the champion, and I’m not just saying that! I’ve learnt so much through this……Without my parents here, I got to know how to take care of myself, how to be more independent. Though they missed out upon my glorious moment of standing on the stage, it’s still worth it. Spending the two weeks with my new friends, I also learnt how to get along well with others, how to be approved by others. When we were at top 8, we had to rehearse a dance like a cheerleading squad. We had some difficulties through that, because everybody’s got their great ideas that we all liked to share. And when great ideas come together it’s hard to get settled. But, we finally overcome all the obstacles and created a fine dance routine. Through this short time period, I finally know how to deliver what I wanna say in the most friendly way which doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings and is easier for me to communicate with others. Top that, I seemed to be a big sister in the other contestants’ minds. I’m really happy to have friendships with Li Xiang, Wang Beibei, L. Angel, Mike, Rick, Liang Chen, Jenny ( I could go on and on and on)……I’ll always remember the good times we had together!
Taking this chance, I’ll answer a question that a lot of people are asking: what exactly is the key to winning in a competition? Well, if you watch the show carefully, you’ll find that every time when we had to say a few words before the round starts, I always say that I’m gonna go on and have fun. That’s right! Just enjoy yourself. Don’t think about the results, there’s no need! And you can’t do anything about it either. So just be yourself, treasure this once in a lifetime opportunity and have fun! I don’t know if it’s a really good answer, but I guess you’ll never know the feeling until you actually try it. (I’m gonna be a little advertisement here) Come on and join the Star of Outlook English Talent Competition next year! I’m sure you’ll love it as much as I do. And you know what? It’s such a coincidence that the champions of the last 3 annuals (Lisa Wu, Lucy Chen, and me) were all contestant No. 4! See if we can keep this record. Just kidding, good luck to all the contestants next year!
I guess there’s this one part that every champion can’t skip--- the thank-yous. Here it comes……
First of course, I have to thank my parents. Even though you didn’t go to Beijing with me, I always believed that you’ve made the right choice. I experienced something that most of the other contestants didn’t have. I love you both!
Second, it comes to the big thanks to my teachers.
Thank you Mr. Zhang Qingsen, without your training and support I wouldn’t have even stepped out of Ningbo, I’m looking forward to working with you again.
I also have to thank Mrs. Xu, my homeroom teacher, and all the other teachers who supported me and encouraged me through the whole competition, even though they were so busy with the other students facing the big task of Zhongkao.
I’ll never forget you guys, don’t worry--- Class 306
I’m not gonna write out every single name like you asked me to before I went to Beijing. But still, thank you guys (He Mengsi, Zheng Lin, Chen Jialong, Jin Ke, Zhou Kaibo……) soooo much for calling and text messaging to encourage me! I really loved our class. All the great memories we had together, I’ll treasure it forever. Even though we are gonna be separated for not being in the same class anymore, I know we’ll all miss our home---class 306.
Now I’d like to thank the new friends that I made who I came to Beijing with from Zhejiang province. They are the ones who didn’t make it to the finals but whose hearts were with me the whole time. Thank you so much Newman, Pan Meng, Gao Zheng, Fisk, Hong Shengkai……you are the ones who let me know what friends are for and that new friends could be as cool as the old ones.
Finally it comes to the last two persons. My big “twin sister” Kane, and my team leader Tina! They are like a family to me when I was in Beijing. Kane is the runner-up of the adults group (and was soooo close to making the champion. Oh yeah, you don’t know how close it was. Ha!). She’s also my roommate. We had great times and even sang out loud together at midnight. A lot of people say that we’re like real sisters and we did look like each other. We even have the same last name Wu. Well, I just wanna thank you Kane for being there for me and making me feel like at home. Tina, don’t get me wrong but you are really like a mom to me, though you do look more like a sister. Thank you for taking all those great photos for me and I loved the times we had at the World Park. I’ll miss you two! Keep in touch……
Well, I gotta come to a stop, or else the whole book is gonna be about me! Nothing much left to say though (a good sign), I just wanna wish every contestant a good luck next year, and DO enjoy every single second of this competition. I’m looking forward to seeing more stars of outlook……

I am glad that I have received the award. At this moment all the hard works I spent for this competition have repaid. This award will provide me the strength to put more effort in my future studies in English. I appreciated all the supports and assistance from my (随便写 家人,老师,朋友).

I am so excited and surprised to be the special award winner here. Thank you all! And at this moment, I feel so grateful to my parents who are always my best teachers and friends, and to my English teachers now and then, also to the organizing committee.
Thank you again and all the best.

我有一个英语比赛获得了特等奖,要写获奖感言.(300字以内)尽快尽快! 我今年获得了语文报杯国家级特等奖,有什么好处? “获得成就感”用英语怎么讲?拒绝Chinglish!“通过参加比赛,我不但收获了精美的获奖证书,还获得了成就感.” 获奖感言怎么说?昨天我们单位举办联欢会,所长抽的奖,我中了唯一一个特等奖---液晶电视,主持人要我说两句.遇到这种情况该怎么说呢?(说个三四句就好,) 不墨守陈规,怎么写年终获奖感言才能获得好评?哪里有好的获奖感言范文?要多一点 谁能提供一篇获奖感言给我谢谢了!在教学比赛中获奖的. 英语节获奖感谢词英语节手抄报获奖了,要写英语感谢词,不超过三十秒 谁有获奖的英语自我介绍?我们英语老师要我们背自我介绍!大家都是一家人!给我一个获奖的!~~~~要好的~7年级的!~~~ 六年级300名学生参加歌咏比赛,有60人获奖.其中一等奖占获奖人数的5分之1,二等奖占10分之3,三等奖占2分之1.获得一、二、三等奖的学生各多少人?要算式的喔!结果俺自己算也行拉!答对了还加 学校开展建国60周年歌咏比赛活动.全校共有学 生1300人,获奖的选手占了 1/ 13,获得二等奖和一等奖的 比是3:2,获得一等奖的有多少人? 求韩寒参加新概念作文比赛的文章,要原文,韩寒参加新概念比赛获奖的那篇文章,考官给了他一杯水什么的,记不清楚了,谁有原文的,麻烦发给我, 我获得了全省跑步比赛的亚军 用英语怎么说?如题 15选5重号概率怎么算?某种“15选5”的彩票的获奖号码是从1~15这15个数字中选择5个数字(可以重复),若彩民所选择的5个数字恰与获奖号码相同,即可获得特等奖.小明观察了最近100期获奖号码,发 彩票中奖概率一种彩票第2009027期开出的特等奖号码是“2 0 8 3 7 5 9”,奖金是500万元.王老板花了10元钱买了5个不同的号码,他获得特等奖的概率有多大?如果他买1000个不同的号码,获得特等奖的 某种“15选5”的彩票的获奖概率某种“15选5”的彩票的获奖号码是从1~15这15个数字中选择5个数字(不计顺序),若彩民所选择的5个数字恰与获奖号码相同,即可获得特等奖,有四个相同则可获 宏达小学举行英语朗读比赛,求二等奖人数(题目在问题补充)宏达小学举行英语朗读比赛,获一、二等奖的占了获奖总人数的五分之三,获二、三等奖的占了获奖总人数的十分之七,获得二等奖 我要参加 2011的新概念作文比赛 奖项 还有 获奖了有什么好处 还有一系列我要参加 2011的新概念作文比赛谁知道相关的 比赛时间什么的啊?奖项 还有 获奖了有什么好处还有一系列萌芽报亭就 比赛获奖感言十佳少先队员的获奖感言怎么写?