People should ask the adivce of others before move to other cities.人们应该在迁居至其他城市之前询问他人的意见.这句话对么,不对怎么改~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 15:48:53
People should ask the adivce of others before move to other cities.人们应该在迁居至其他城市之前询问他人的意见.这句话对么,不对怎么改~
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People should ask the adivce of others before move to other cities.人们应该在迁居至其他城市之前询问他人的意见.这句话对么,不对怎么改~
People should ask the adivce of others before move to other cities.

People should ask the adivce of others before move to other cities.人们应该在迁居至其他城市之前询问他人的意见.这句话对么,不对怎么改~
before 是介词,后不能直接加动词原型 the advice of others 很不地道,最好用other's.所以应改为people should ask other's adivce before moving to other cities

People should ask the adivce of others before moving to other cities.

去掉the other中other前面的the,因为the other只能和one连用

we,should,people,ask,bring,to,food(?)连词成句 We young people should ________ old people.A respect B answer C ask D be give,donate,should,we,out,to,people,leaflets,ask,to,money.连词成句 What questions should you NOT ask when meetiing people for the first time?不是翻译 funny you should ask 请问状语从句?Any specific reason I should know about in case people ask where you areAny specific reason I should know about in case people ask where you are. 请问这句句子中,in case people ask where you are. 是以 in case 引导的 Japanese people often ask people what blood we should ( ) leaflets to ask people to donate money .a work out b put out c give out d take out 连词成句:1.tell,Micky,to,people,wants,wait,to(.) _______________________________________2.questions,ask,answer,and,actively(.)_______________________________3.obey,school,the,evervone,should,rules(.)__________________________________ we -- people -- riding in cars to decrease the amount of CO2.we need to take a campaign.A could ask ,stop B should urge,to stopC must urge,stopping D can ask,stopped you should ask me out 翻译中文 【Ask your should know. You should ask the way 【 】(polite) What kind of questions should I ask? Do not ask people why ,ask yourself what. 请问Any specific reason I should know about in case people ask where you are.句型结构?这里的主谓宾和从句?Any specific reason I should know about in case 这里和后面是不是应该有个链接词?people ask where you are.从句之 you ask how much th shoes are?这是什么句, 求帮改雅思作文Some people think government should pay forpublic libraries in every town,while others think it is a waste of moneybecause people can access information from the Internet.Discuss both views andgive your opinion.In recent years,th