what/which is the best restaurant you have ever eaten in?what \ which 总是把该用what的地方用成了 which.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 10:38:32
what/which is the best restaurant you have ever eaten in?what \ which 总是把该用what的地方用成了 which.
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what/which is the best restaurant you have ever eaten in?what \ which 总是把该用what的地方用成了 which.
what/which is the best restaurant you have ever eaten in?
what \ which 总是把该用what的地方用成了 which.

what/which is the best restaurant you have ever eaten in?what \ which 总是把该用what的地方用成了 which.
which 指代这件事
1.This is the book which I talked about yeasterday.
(which引导定语从句放在名词book后面起修饰作用,which在从句中充当talk about的宾语)
2.This book is what I talked about yesterday.(what引导名词性从句,放在is之后,what 在表语从句(名词性从句)充当talked about的宾语.)

-------------is the best restaurant you have ever eaten in? A OR B?

一般来说which会有个大概的范围,但是what就比较范了,例如,what is your name?这个name就是比较范的,但是如果你眼前放着几件衣服要选的话,你就可以问你朋友which do you like?这里的which的范围就是你眼前摆的衣服,在这些里面选择喜欢哪个!

which是指哪个,即在现场,其中有一个是the best restaurant 。what是指不在场,只是问吃过的最好的。

what day will it be the 2009th day after May 1,2009 which is Friday? The result,__may be expected,is poor.A.that B.to which C.as D.what Care of the soul is a gradual prosess ______ even the small details of life should be considered.A:what B:in what C:which D:in which care of the soul is a gradual process _______ even the small details of life should be considered.A.what B.in what C.which D.of which what is it,which will be tomorrow and was yesteday? What is the greatest number of regions into which an equilateral triangle can be divided using exactly three straight lines.. The mountain village is no longer ____it used to be.A.which B.that C.as D.what school is no longer ____ it used to be.A.which B.that C.the place D.what There is no difficulty________can't be overcome in the worldA that B which Cwho D what选什么?为什么? it is said that he will be appointed as _______ is known as the ceoA.which B.whom C.who D.what为什么选择what 而不是who My hometown is not the place_____it used to be.A.where B.that C.which D.what 为什么不选C,是the place 做be Raising a child is said to be a job ___parents get the least formal trainingA.in which B.for which C .where D.to what 英语定于从句的题1.The place ( )the bridge is suppose to be built should be ( )the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.A.Which,where B.at which ,whichC.at which ,where D.which,in which2.What suprised me was not what he said but ( ) he said it What is the point to be happy Hi what is the difference between this handbag (which can be ordered in orange) and the 85299022 same handbag but which is more expense $178?Does the the quality differ?Thank you.Ann which/what is the best time in Shanghai?—Spring.是填which还是what,为什么? what do yo think?a)What effect do tests have on education in your country?b)Which tests are useful to measure students' progress?Which tests should be dropped?c)What is the best way to measure students' English ability? 定语从句的省略问题,下句中第一个which代指什么The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise ,(which is )market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending