i didn't do well in lanuages.i did ---you,so we are half and halfA,not batter than B.no batter then Cno worse whan D.nearly worse than

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 14:13:45
i didn't do well in lanuages.i did ---you,so we are half and halfA,not batter than B.no batter then Cno worse whan D.nearly worse than
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i didn't do well in lanuages.i did ---you,so we are half and halfA,not batter than B.no batter then Cno worse whan D.nearly worse than
i didn't do well in lanuages.
i did ---you,so we are half and half
A,not batter than B.no batter then Cno worse whan D.nearly worse than

i didn't do well in lanuages.i did ---you,so we are half and halfA,not batter than B.no batter then Cno worse whan D.nearly worse than
本题的答案选择:B.no better than
下面,给你详细讲解一下not +比较级+than 与no+比较级+than之间的区别.
在形容词比较级前面可以加上not 或no ,但两者表示的意义不同.
一、“not +比较级+than ”:“不比„好(或坏)”,即两者在某方面不相上下.
(1)John is not better than Tom.约翰并不比汤姆好.
(2)He is not healthier than his friend.他并不比他的朋友更健康.
该结构表示该形容词或副词的相反含义,no better than意义上相当于as bad as; no wiser than意义上相当于as stupid as;no richer than相当于as poor as; no bigger than相当于as small as.
(1)The machine is no better than his friends.这台机器和那台一样糟.
(2)Jim is no more careful than you are.吉姆和你一样不仔细.
not better than与no better than 所表达的意思是完全不同的.
A is not better than B只是简单地进行程度上的比较,一般可以为“A不比B好(强)”.
A is no better than B与A is not better than B不同,它并不对A和B进行程度上的比较,而是用来着重表达A和B都很坏(差)这样一种口气的.
这是no +形容词比较级+than 的用法.表示的含义是:和...和一样不...(两者都表示否定);
如:This one is bad the other one is no better than it .这个不好,另一个也不比它强.类似的还有no more than 等;
eg:Jack is no more deligent than Tom:Jack不勤奋Tom也不勤奋.
说得有点多,目的在于让你彻底弄清楚not +比较级+than 与no+比较级+than之间的区别.

选项应为A,not better than B.no better than Cno worse than D.nearly worse than
B 。翻译成我在语言方面做的不好。
A不如后者好,B两者都不好。c 两者都不差 D比后者更差