read the instructions to the medicine.问什么用to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 03:48:48
read the instructions to the medicine.问什么用to
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read the instructions to the medicine.问什么用to
read the instructions to the medicine.问什么用to

read the instructions to the medicine.问什么用to
to 表示 ".的 "
the instructions to ...".的说明书"
eg:the way to.
the key to
the answer to


instruction问题Read the instructions ______ the medicine.该用什么介词?to/ for/of? Before using this new machine,please read the ______ (instruct)instruction要不要加s instruction的问题让我们先看一下说明书的汉译英Let's read the instructions instruction在这到底用不用复数? 灯具德文说明书大家帮我翻译成德文下台灯:Luminaire Safety Instruction IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION,PLEASE READ BEFORE OPERATING LAMP.DO NOT DESCARD.KEEP FOR REFERENCE.Note:The Important safeguards and instruction appearing in this 英语翻译For the purpose of proper using & maintainingthe kitchen scale,please read this instruction comp-eletely before operating. How can I help ( )if people don't read the B.them C.taht D.what the instruction of正确,还是the instruction for正确 explanation,instruction ,description ,introduction的区别 the _______ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine .A explanation,B instruction ,C description D,introduction这题的选项有哪些区别啊?答案应该是 Here is the instruction.翻译 ____ the instruction book for the main engine a few minutes B.readed C.reads D.is选哪个 为什么 6.You should read the ____in the car repair manual(手册) carefully before you start to.A.instruction B.instructions C.introductions D.explanations 改错题by( reading )the instruction carefully ,so that mistakes on the examination can beavoided 为什么把reading改成read怎么翻译整个句子 看说明(instruction)用read还是look at Under the instruction of sb.的意思 The role of formal instruction什么意思 how to carry out the personal instruction plow through the instruction什么意思 read the