英语翻译At London College,the boys can go into the town in the afternoon. But they must return tothe school at six.And Bob often breeks(打破)the rules(规则).One afternoon,Bob walkedto the town and went to the cinema.When he arrived at

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:08:10
英语翻译At London College,the boys can go into the town in the afternoon. But they must return tothe school at six.And Bob often breeks(打破)the rules(规则).One afternoon,Bob walkedto the town and went to the cinema.When he arrived at
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英语翻译At London College,the boys can go into the town in the afternoon. But they must return tothe school at six.And Bob often breeks(打破)the rules(规则).One afternoon,Bob walkedto the town and went to the cinema.When he arrived at
At London College,the boys can go into the town in the afternoon. But they must return to
the school at six.And Bob often breeks(打破)the rules(规则).One afternoon,Bob walked
to the town and went to the cinema.When he arrived at sch001.it was after 8 o'clock.He Was
a little worried.He ran quic:kly to the gate. It Was dosed.He went round the school building to
another door. It was closed,too.、Then he saw another open windOW on the first floor. It was
the headmaster's office.Bob 100ked into the room.but not one there.He quickly climbed on
and jumped into the room.’Just then he heard a voice.He looked around and hid(藏)under
the sofa.One minute later,Mr.Scott,the headmaster can2e in.He turned on the light a11d
sat down on the sofa.Then he began to read. Bob lay under the sofa and looked.at the
headmaster,s feet for an hour.He QOUld not move.Finally Mr..Scott stood dp and walked
towards the door,and then he stopped.He turned his hcad and spoke t0 the sofa. “Will you
turn off the light when you lcave?”he said and left the office.
For ten years.the Greek(希腊的)soldiers wanted to take the city of Troy,but they could
not,because the walls of the city were strong and the people of Troy were strong.Then the
Geeks built a great horse made of WOOd.They hid SOldiers inside it.Then all the other soldiers
went away.The people of Troy saw fthe horse.They Said,“What is that wooden horse?We
will bdng it into the city. We Can Open the gate of the city now because the Greek soldiers have
gone away.We must see what that wooden horse is?”
SO thev opened the gate of Troy and went out and brought the Wooden horse into the city·
At night the men calne out from the horse and opened也the gate.The other Greek soldiers
came back and went into the city.

英语翻译At London College,the boys can go into the town in the afternoon. But they must return tothe school at six.And Bob often breeks(打破)the rules(规则).One afternoon,Bob walkedto the town and went to the cinema.When he arrived at
在六的学校.和鲍伯时常 breeks(打破) 规则 (规则).一午后,鲍伯走
到城镇而且去电影院.当他达成了 sch 001 的时候.它是在 8 点钟之后.他是
稍微焦虑的.他跑 quic:到门的 kly.它是配.他绕道了学校建筑物到
校长的办公室.鲍伯 100 进入房间之内的 ked.除了不一在那里.他很快地攀登在
而且进入房间之内跳跃.'就在然后他听到一声音.他四处看看和藏 (藏) 在
沙发.一分钟更迟的,.史考特先生,校长能 2 e 在.他转向在那之上光这 11 d
校长,s 1 小时的脚.他 QOUld 不动作.最后先生..史考特站着 dp 和走
向门,然后他停止.他转向了他的 hcad 而且说 t 0 沙发. "意志你
关掉那灯当你 lcave?"他说和左边办公室.
十年.希腊人 (希腊的) 军人想要拿特洛伊市,但是他们可以
玩家建造一匹棒的马制造木材.他们藏 SOldiers 内部它.然后所有的其他军人
走开了.特洛伊锯子 fthe 马的人.他们说,"什么是那一个木马?我们
意志 bdng 它进入城市之内.我们能公开赛城市的门现在因为那希腊人军人有
因此 thev 打开了特洛伊的门而且外出和带来木马进入城市之内·
在晚上男人 calne 外面的从马而且打开了也那门.另一个希腊人军人







