英语翻译Code of conductIn any meeting,it is possible to begin the proceedings by establishing a code of conduct,often by merely stating it and asking for any objections (which will only be accepted if a demonstrably better system is proposed).Thu

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:14:58
英语翻译Code of conductIn any meeting,it is possible to begin the proceedings by establishing a code of conduct,often by merely stating it and asking for any objections (which will only be accepted if a demonstrably better system is proposed).Thu
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英语翻译Code of conductIn any meeting,it is possible to begin the proceedings by establishing a code of conduct,often by merely stating it and asking for any objections (which will only be accepted if a demonstrably better system is proposed).Thu
Code of conduct
In any meeting,it is possible to begin the proceedings by establishing a code of conduct,often by merely stating it and asking for any objections (which will only be accepted if a demonstrably better system is proposed).Thus if the group contains opinionated wind-bags,you might all agree at the onset that all contributions should be limited to two minutes (which focuses the mind admirably).You can then impose this with the full backing of the whole group.

英语翻译Code of conductIn any meeting,it is possible to begin the proceedings by establishing a code of conduct,often by merely stating it and asking for any objections (which will only be accepted if a demonstrably better system is proposed).Thu
行为守则的任何会议上,在有可能开始诉讼程序所确立的行为守则,往往只是说明它和要求任何反对意见 (这只接受如果提议的一个明显更好的系统).因此如果组中包含的武断的风袋,你可能都同意在一开始的所有捐款都应限于两分钟 (其中令人钦佩地集中思想).你可以然后强加这整个集团的全力支持.