英语达人请进..翻译急求~(中译英)这次我们的观点是:美丽是祸不是福谢谢主席对方辩友大家好,爱美之心人皆有之,我方对美丽同样很感兴趣,但是我方观点认为美丽是祸不是福, 所谓美丽与福

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/01 17:38:02
英语达人请进..翻译急求~(中译英)这次我们的观点是:美丽是祸不是福谢谢主席对方辩友大家好,爱美之心人皆有之,我方对美丽同样很感兴趣,但是我方观点认为美丽是祸不是福, 所谓美丽与福
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英语达人请进..翻译急求~(中译英)这次我们的观点是:美丽是祸不是福谢谢主席对方辩友大家好,爱美之心人皆有之,我方对美丽同样很感兴趣,但是我方观点认为美丽是祸不是福, 所谓美丽与福
谢谢主席对方辩友大家好,爱美之心人皆有之,我方对美丽同样很感兴趣,但是我方观点认为美丽是祸不是福, 所谓美丽与福祸的定义之前已经很清楚了. 而想要探讨今天的辩题我们必须再明确两点:第一美丽与福祸有什么关系 哲学的思想告诉我们任何事情本身都是不具有复活性的,美丽亦是如此 第二 判断是福是祸的标准是什么?其实想要判断一件事的福祸性, 必须放在一定环境中来看其对自身以及对别人所造成的影响. 好的影响大过坏的就是福 反之则是祸.我方认为美丽是祸理由如下
首先, 对自身而言美丽是祸不是福, 有人因自身美丽而自以为是,有人为了追寻美丽而急功近利,有人因别人美丽而心怀妒忌,不存好意.汉有刘邦之妾戚夫人因美貌而被吕后迫害惨死,如今社会性骚扰频繁,多少美女因此失节,而古代后宫中的3000佳丽,有几个不是冷冷清清凄凄惨惨的过完一生.自古红颜多薄命啊 . 而拓开眼界,阿房宫因美丽而被付之一炬圆明园因美丽而变成断壁残垣,多少名画因其美丽颠沛流离,四分五裂.而唐三彩在追求色彩更美的过程中却降低了本身的品质与保存价值.这些都还不算,看看多少人为了美容而不惜毁坏自己的身体,又有多少人以美丽作为自己赚钱的工具,因为美丽他们失掉了他们的人性! 而对于自然之美更是如此, 任何自然美景都是其本生态循环的重要一部分, 而就是因为美丽而导致了人类的侵入, 破坏了其自然循环与自我调节, 这还不是祸吗,而人类打着保护的旗子仍然不愿承认自己对自然的恶劣影响,这是祸上加祸啊!
其次, 对于他人而言,美丽仍是祸.俗话说的好 红颜祸水 .先有妹喜凭其美丽而让夏王每天为其裂帛百匹,使得百姓人人衣不蔽体,后有慈喜将美丽作为自己谋求权利的工具,导致后宫淫乱,朝野动荡,外国更有因海伦而起的特洛伊战争,让整个世界尸骨成山,哀嚎遍野.自古美丽如此多娇,令无数英雄百姓尽折腰~
其实美丽由何而来? 是天然之美,自然之美,是人性之光,刻意的追寻是不美的,盲目的欣赏是愚昧的,而用美丽编成的禽兽衣冠更是丑陋的.因此我方认为只有认清了美丽的祸的一面,在今后我们才能趋利避害,而真正寻的至高无上的美丽.

英语达人请进..翻译急求~(中译英)这次我们的观点是:美丽是祸不是福谢谢主席对方辩友大家好,爱美之心人皆有之,我方对美丽同样很感兴趣,但是我方观点认为美丽是祸不是福, 所谓美丽与福
The point is that we are not beautiful.Woe
Thank President other friendly argument:hello,beauty of human beings,we are also very interested in beautiful,but our view is that beauty is evil,so-called beauty and exercise before the definition is clear.And want to explore the BianTi today we will have to explicitly points:first,beautiful and exercise have what relation philosophy thought tell us anything itself is not complex,beauty is the activity that the judgment is a blessing or a curse what is the standard?Really want to judge a thing,must put in certain exercise environment for itself and the influence of others.Good influence is greater than the bad is blessed.Conversely,we think beauty is a curse for the following reasons
First,in itself is not beautiful,woe to anyone for their beauty and self-righteousness,someone to pursue beauty and quick,someone because others jealous,and beauty is not good.LiuBangZhi concubine for beauty and Mrs Qi by lu,now collectivisation persecution of sexual harassment,many social beauty so frequently,and the ancient temple of dishonor,some 3,000 scarlett is the courty QiQiCanCan over more than beauty.BoMing!Since the open horizon,AFangGong extension for beauty and was destroyed by beautiful and become yuanmingyuan smoldering rubble,many famous for its beautiful rongyu,split in pursuit.But more beautiful colour tri-colored glazed pottery is decreased itself in the process of quality and preserving value.These are not,see how many people to beauty and destroy your body,and how many people with beautiful money as their tools,because they lost their beauty of nature.For natural beauty is so,any natural beauty is the important part of the ecosystem circulation,but because the beauty of human nature,destroyed the invading cycle and the self-adjustment,this is not evil,and the flags waving to protect human still refuses to admit that he's bad influence of natural disaster,it is on the evil!
Secondly,for others,beautiful still is evil.As the saying goes,first as a beautiful girl like by the king for its summer day to LieBo BaiPi,makes people,everyone was CiXi after seeking beauty as his rights,the tools and unrest,immoral harem foreign more because of the Trojan war and Helen,let whole world into a mountain,and groaning.after bones since so many beautiful everywhere.J,make people do count countless heroes
Actually beautiful come from?Is the natural beauty,beauty of nature,human nature is the light,the pursue is not beauty painstakingly,blind appreciation is foolish,and use of beautiful clothes is ugly beast.So we think only recognize the beauty of evil,in the future,we can find the disadvantages,and the supreme beauty.

our point this time is that " beauty is not a weal but a woe"
it is a general truth that beauty is the mutual persuit of human beings. "beauty" is a topic attracting us as well as i...


our point this time is that " beauty is not a weal but a woe"
it is a general truth that beauty is the mutual persuit of human beings. "beauty" is a topic attracting us as well as it does to you. however, the point we would like to claim is that beauty is not a weal but a woe. it is virtle to figure two things out while we try to get down to the topic.first one is, what's the relationship between beauty and fortune?你这个哲学这段我真没看懂。。the second one is what're the criteria should be used to judge a thing that is a woe or a weal? the answer we believe is that we should put it back into the particular situation, then judge the influence of it. if the bad influence is overwhelming the good one, it is a woe, and vice versa.
the reasons why we hold our opinion is as followed.我们学校熄灯了。。明天继续。。不过希望你能回复一下你还需不需要,这个工作量挺大的。
