请问一道雅思写作题的思路,几句话就好When we travel to foreign countries,we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires.What are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is positibe or negative?需要在正

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:15:35
请问一道雅思写作题的思路,几句话就好When we travel to foreign countries,we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires.What are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is positibe or negative?需要在正
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请问一道雅思写作题的思路,几句话就好When we travel to foreign countries,we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires.What are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is positibe or negative?需要在正
When we travel to foreign countries,we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires.What are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is positibe or negative?
需要在正文讨论一下为什么“When we travel to foreign countries,we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires.”么?

请问一道雅思写作题的思路,几句话就好When we travel to foreign countries,we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires.What are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is positibe or negative?需要在正
题目中不是已经提出了“ What are the causes of this phenomenon ”吗?人家问了这件事的原因,首先我觉得应该简单的描述下这种现象,你是怎么认为的“the same things”,这是什么;然后再说为什么出现,接着就是怎么办,或者怎么评价它,是积极的还是消极的,感觉这样结构层次很分明.

这是一篇report。就是让你分析一下When we travel to foreign countries, we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires这个现象的原因和影响。


这是一篇report。就是让你分析一下When we travel to foreign countries, we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires这个现象的原因和影响。


请问一道雅思写作题的思路,几句话就好When we travel to foreign countries,we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires.What are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is positibe or negative?需要在正 好多时看到雅思写作题目就没有思路,这怎么办? 雅思写作总是中文写作的思路,怎么纠正? 雅思地图类作文的写作思路是怎样的? 雅思写作,有什么好的方法? 大家推荐本提供雅思写作思路的作文书吧~ 试论公共财政制度的法律意义这是一道简答题,几句话就好 请问我雅思写作5分,想要复议到5.5成功率大么?整体是听力5.5,阅读6,写作5,口语7.我就差写作到5.5就好请问复议成功率大么?是3.15考的. 雅思口语Part3一道题多长时间?大概一道题要说几句话呢?一分钟? 请问一下高中议论文的写作思路! 请问一道雅思写作题的思路When we travel to foreign countries,we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countires.What are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is positibe or negative?需要在正文讨论一下为 雅思作文的写作思路是怎样,怎样才可以写出一篇雅思作文? 雅思写作口语辅导书雅思作文和口语总是没有思路,想问下大家有没有比较好的关于雅思写作和口语思路的辅导书, 雅思写作照着慎小嶷的10天突破写作中illustrating的思路, 一道初中数学填空题,求详细解题思路~!有解题思路就好~ 小孩去年考了雅思,写作没有考好,有没有专门补习雅思写作的? 雅思写作大作文思路如何展开? 雅思写作思路:计算机能否代替图书馆