How fast can the fastest people run? A.the fastest peopple can run 36 km per hour.B.the people can move very fast in cars.C.the fastest people can swim 7 km per hour.--_____--she took some mud and made the first person.A.who was nuwa? did nuwa m

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:47:42
How fast can the fastest people run? A.the fastest peopple can run 36 km per hour.B.the people can move very fast in cars.C.the fastest people can swim 7 km per hour.--_____--she took some mud and made the first person.A.who was nuwa? did nuwa m
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How fast can the fastest people run? A.the fastest peopple can run 36 km per hour.B.the people can move very fast in cars.C.the fastest people can swim 7 km per hour.--_____--she took some mud and made the first person.A.who was nuwa? did nuwa m
How fast can the fastest people run? A.the fastest peopple can run 36 km per hour.
B.the people can move very fast in cars.
C.the fastest people can swim 7 km per hour.
--she took some mud and made the first person.
A.who was nuwa? did nuwa make the first person?
C.did nuwa make the firstprson with mud?

How fast can the fastest people run? A.the fastest peopple can run 36 km per hour.B.the people can move very fast in cars.C.the fastest people can swim 7 km per hour.--_____--she took some mud and made the first person.A.who was nuwa? did nuwa m




1 A
2 B

游得最快的人游得多快?=-=绕口令么? I don't know 我不知道。O(∩_∩)O可以吗? 最快的人能游多快? 这句话的意思是他游泳能游