1.The first cooperatives were born more than 200 years ago when farmers decided to help one another to overcome their limited access to commercial opportunities.more是什么词性?修饰什么?than呢?one是什么词性?another是什么词性?修饰

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:04:47
1.The first cooperatives were born more than 200 years ago when farmers decided to help one another to overcome their limited access to commercial opportunities.more是什么词性?修饰什么?than呢?one是什么词性?another是什么词性?修饰
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1.The first cooperatives were born more than 200 years ago when farmers decided to help one another to overcome their limited access to commercial opportunities.more是什么词性?修饰什么?than呢?one是什么词性?another是什么词性?修饰
1.The first cooperatives were born more than 200 years ago when farmers decided to help one another to overcome their limited access to commercial opportunities.more是什么词性?修饰什么?than呢?one是什么词性?another是什么词性?修饰什么?该句的翻译是第一个合作社诞生于.,而且first表示的是第一个,那cooperative为什么要用复数,谓语为什么用were?
2.retail cooperatives provide access to better-quality goods and services.和 They give small entrepreneurs access to financial services.这2句中的to better-quality goods and services和to financial services是provide sth to sth和give sb sth的用法?还是修饰access的?
3.At a time of global economic distress,this history deserves to be more widely known.The theme of the International Day of Cooperatives -- “Driving Global Recovery through Cooperatives”.第一句中的more是什么词性?修饰什么?第二句中的through Cooperatives是什么成分?修饰Global Recovery?还是作状语?为什么?
4.I encourage Governments and civil society to recognize the effectiveness of cooperatives and to engage with them as vital partners for global recovery and achieving internationally agreed development goals.这句话中的governments用了复数,society为什么不用复数?as vital partners修饰的是什么?如何辨别?后面的 internationally agreed中间需不需要加连字符?
5.In the face of the current economic crisis,communities are rediscovering the necessity.第一句把the去掉,变成in face of,

1.The first cooperatives were born more than 200 years ago when farmers decided to help one another to overcome their limited access to commercial opportunities.more是什么词性?修饰什么?than呢?one是什么词性?another是什么词性?修饰
The first cooperatives were born more than 200 years ago when farmers decided to help one another to overcome their limited access to commercial opportunities.
我的一家之言 供参考  我认为 这里more than  可以 看做一个 短语介词  =over
more 是副词 than 是介词  than  200 years  修饰 more .more与 后面的一起 修饰were born
不过 一般 老师不会这样讲  会直接说  more than 是个词组 修饰 200 years .
one是不定代词  another也是不定代词   合在一起one  another是相互代词  作help 的 宾语 
该句的翻译是 最初的合作社诞生于.,而且first表示的是最初的意思 ,cooperative可以用复数,谓语用were
2.retail cooperatives provide access to better-quality goods and services.和 They give small entrepreneurs access to financial services.这2句中的to better-quality goods and services和to financial services不是provide sth to sth也不是give sb sth的用法
而是修饰access的定语 属于介词短语 作定语 
3.At a time of global economic distress,this history deserves to be more widely known. The theme of the International Day of Cooperatives -- “Driving Global Recovery through Cooperatives”.第一句中的more widely 是副词widely的比较级  修饰 known
more 是副词 修饰副词widely  构成 副词的比较级 
第二句中的through Cooperatives是方式状语 修饰 动名词 driving 因为这是表示 推动 的方式
4.I encourage Governments and civil society to recognize the effectiveness of cooperatives and to engage with them as vital partners for global recovery and achieving internationally agreed development goals.这句话中的governments可以用复数,而society不用复数是因为 前面已经有定语civil 并且我认为 这里society是不可数名词 
 as vital partners是介词短语 修饰的是to engage with them 
后面的 internationally agreed中间不需要加连字符
5.In the face of the current economic crisis,communities are rediscovering the necessity.第一句.In the face of是面对 的意思   in face of,是  面临;迎着 的意思 

当然 二者 或许都可以 翻译成 面对  这是汉语本身的问题
因为本句意思 是   在当前的经济危机面前 所以 不能去掉 the

1、more than一起使用是“多于......”的意思,more是much的比较级,是副词,than表示比较,more than 200 years ago就是“200多年前”。one another是词组,是代词,一起使用是“相互”的意思,在这里不能分开讲,所以another也不修饰什么词;first是“第一”的意思,也就有“最早的”意思(请查词典),The first cooperativ...


1、more than一起使用是“多于......”的意思,more是much的比较级,是副词,than表示比较,more than 200 years ago就是“200多年前”。one another是词组,是代词,一起使用是“相互”的意思,在这里不能分开讲,所以another也不修饰什么词;first是“第一”的意思,也就有“最早的”意思(请查词典),The first cooperatives就是“最早/初的合作社” ;cooperatives是名词,是复数形式,所以be用were。
2、 在retail cooperatives provide access to better-quality goods and services.中,to better-quality goods and services是介词短语做定语修饰access,不是provide sth. to sth.的用法;而在 They give small entrepreneurs access to financial services中,介词短语to financial services也是做定语修饰access的,give small entrepreneurs access是 give sb. sth.结构,其中的sb.指small entrepreneurs ,sth.则指access;
3、第一句中的more是副词much的比较级,修饰副词widely,more widely是widely的比较级,修饰不定式to be known;第二句中的through Cooperatives是状语,修饰动词短语Driving Global Recovery作状语,Driving Global Recovery through Cooperatives意即“通过合作来推动全球(经济)复苏”;
4、这句话中的governments用了复数,society不用复数,可能是因为国家有很多,政府就有很多,但“公民社会(civil society)”是全球一样的吧?(呵呵,见笑。)其实,这倒不用去深究,我认为意义不大。 as vital partners作状语,修饰的是动词不定式短语to engage with them。to engage with them as vital partners for global recovery and achieving internationally agreed development goals.整体意思是“作为生死攸关的伙伴,为了全球复苏与实现全球一致认同的发展目标,与他们一起努力”;internationally agreed中间加不加连字符无所谓,也不必刻意去深究;
5、in face of的意思是“面临,迎着”,而in the face of的意思是“面对”,意思还是有区别的。


  1. more than 表示“超过,多于”。 one是代词,表示farmer。another是名词。该句翻译为“200多年前,农民们决定通过互相帮助的方式来克服他们有限的获取商业机会的权限时,第一个合作社成立了”,这里cooperative应该用单数,谓语应该用was.

  2. 首先没有什么“provide sth to sth”这种说法。这里“to bet...


    1. more than 表示“超过,多于”。 one是代词,表示farmer。another是名词。该句翻译为“200多年前,农民们决定通过互相帮助的方式来克服他们有限的获取商业机会的权限时,第一个合作社成立了”,这里cooperative应该用单数,谓语应该用was.

    2. 首先没有什么“provide sth to sth”这种说法。这里“to better-quality goods and services”只是用来修饰access的。“to financial services”也是修饰access的.

    3. more是副词,修辞后面的widely。“through Cooperatives”是介词做状语,修饰前面的动作“Driving”

    4. 因为society是不可数名词,各种群体形成的形态都能称为society。as vital partners修饰的前面的to engage,也是介词做状语做修饰词。不加啊,为什么要加,internationally 是修饰agreed的,你可以去掉internationally 再看看。这句可以简化为achieving goals。

    5. in the face of 表示“在...面前”,如困难、遭遇等。in face of 表示“面临,在...面前”,中文翻译都一样,用法只可意会。


    1、这里cooperatives强调合作人由于不是合作的整体那么谓动用were,more than是短语修饰200