Many people are waiting in excitement to donate their blood to the ________(injure)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:12:38
Many people are waiting in excitement to donate their blood to the ________(injure)
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Many people are waiting in excitement to donate their blood to the ________(injure)
Many people are waiting in excitement to donate their blood to the ________(injure)

Many people are waiting in excitement to donate their blood to the ________(injure)
形容词构成名词一类人,再比如the old代表老年人
When they knocked off,she fetched them food and water.他们休息时,他给他们送来了吃的和水.
It’s time to knock off.现在该下班了.
3.Come and help!I think she must be injured.快来帮忙,我想她肯定受伤了.
▲ injure意为“受伤”既可指身体受伤,也可指精神上受到伤害.
He injured an arm in a car accident.他在一场车祸中伤了一只手臂.
He had had his leg injured trying to save a mate from a fall of coal.他在煤矿倒塌时为救一个同伴而伤了腿.
I hope I didn’t injure her feelings.我希望我没有伤害她的感情.
He was a bit injured in his pride when he heard the words.她听了这些话,自尊心受到一点伤害.
▲injured可用作名词,作“伤员”解释,可被数词所修饰,当复数看待,但不能在词尾加 -s
The injured were taken to hospital.伤员已经被送往医院.
▲ injured是过去分词作形容词用,意为“受委屈的”,“受伤害的”.
She had an injured look.她显出一种受了伤害的样子.
The boy spoke in an injured voice.这孩子的声音显得受了委屈.
4.She’s not moving.But she’s breathing.I think she hit her head when she fell.We must carry her to the side of the road.她不动了,但她在呼吸.我想她跌下来时撞到了头部.我们必须把她抬到路边的安全地方.