这段英语的大概含义~不用很仔细~3QI am redoing my links (right menu) to improve the quality of links as well as banners,& have found myself short of around 2 or more affiliates.Yes,I’m looking for anyone interested in participating on a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:11:51
这段英语的大概含义~不用很仔细~3QI am redoing my links (right menu) to improve the quality of links as well as banners,& have found myself short of around 2 or more affiliates.Yes,I’m looking for anyone interested in participating on a
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这段英语的大概含义~不用很仔细~3QI am redoing my links (right menu) to improve the quality of links as well as banners,& have found myself short of around 2 or more affiliates.Yes,I’m looking for anyone interested in participating on a
I am redoing my links (right menu) to improve the quality of links as well as banners,& have found myself short of around 2 or more affiliates.Yes,I’m looking for anyone interested in participating on a link exchange program with me.
In the event that we come to an agreement,your site will be linked on a very visible spot (right menu of index) under “Sites Of The Year” with an attractive 111×69 banner made by me (or you can submit your own image of the same dimensions if you are not satisfied with the one I will provide to represent your site).
I have realized that most sites I have been linking to have hardly given me any return hits at all & would like to put a lid to this kind of outbound linking which has only been beneficial for themselves alone.
I will not be very strict but I do have some simple requirements to make sure that the exchange is fair & that the outcome is a guaranteed win/win situation.With both parties content,both sites will be given the opportunity of growth.
I don’t want to shout out the cliche which is “Your site must have at least ____ unique visitors a day” because I know this will only discourage most of those who are interested,instead,I will require you to at least give me 400 unique hits a day from your website,how to do this is up to you,but if you think you can give me this much,then your site will immediately be under consideration.This only means that your site qualifies
but this does not mean that you are sure to get picked,although your chances are high.
I will go for the better site.This means that the site with the better potential will be the one I’ll exchange with.If you think you can give me way more than what was required to qualify,rest assured that I will give & you will get the kind of traffic you desserve from Cute Spot,in the event that we come to terms with an agreement.
Sites I preffer:Gaming sites,MySpace related sites,Doll/Icon sites,& Popular blogs.Any decent site is good.
You can apply using this page,please fill out each blank carefully & be specific when describing where my link will be at.
However,there is a 2nd option where all requirements will not apply to you.You can buy the space for $40 a month.I only do money transactions either via bank transfer or Western Union,not paypal,if you’re interested with this please use this form instead.You will recieve further needed details to complete payment process once form has been sent.
On other things,I am very touched at everyone’s reaction & comments to my last post,I did not expect so much support and encouragement & everyone’s comment/email really really really meant the world to me.You have no idea how much I miss everyone online,& hearing from you guys have been a total blast of fresh air.I hope you are all good & I look forward to being with you all again .

这段英语的大概含义~不用很仔细~3QI am redoing my links (right menu) to improve the quality of links as well as banners,& have found myself short of around 2 or more affiliates.Yes,I’m looking for anyone interested in participating on a

这段英语的大概含义~不用很仔细~3QI am redoing my links (right menu) to improve the quality of links as well as banners,& have found myself short of around 2 or more affiliates.Yes,I’m looking for anyone interested in participating on a 求告诉一下这段文字的大概意思,不用全部,但不要太简洁. 这段英语的大概意思这是MSN帐户监控吗?这是我在MSN邮件收到的,怎么会知道我的名字?不用翻译,告诉个大概意思就行,这是介绍什么的?用于什么方面?Hi Xi, Welcome to your new look eBill from 3 Please find 这段话说的大概是什么意思? .b.haira..b.haira.qi大概就是这发音回答确切点~我会提高分数的 仔细观察这幅漫画,说说它的含义 急金急 这段英语文章大概讲了啥? 曾经一部老电视剧结尾曲其中一段歌词qi shi tian qi shi tian笑容不改变qi shi mao qi shi mao这部电视剧男主角是香港人 大概时间为1990--2002的产品 古装剧 带点法术效果 机关阵型 丹药 谁能大概解释一下气动三联件的含义,不用太具体 请问这段藏文的含义 英语翻译全文在这.只需翻译其中两段.不用很精确.就每句的大概意思,通顺看得懂就行..------------------------------------------------------The flamboyant Idol singer hits our cover and bares all,talking about his childhoo 关于成功的英语作文第1段是成功的含义,第2段是怎样获得成功,第3段是总结 国内所发生的群体性事件如题,国内的,群体性事件,例如西藏3·14、乌鲁木齐7·5、湖北6·17石首等等,只要大概就行,不用太仔细, 仔细观察漫画说说漫画的含义. 给份意大利罗马的英语简介,不用太多,大概口述的话3分钟左右的就行, 《春》这篇课文的第六段的大概意思 qi长的qi怎么写 qi长的qi怎么写?二声滴