
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:59:10
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Yesterday it was hard for me to calm down. I was absorbed in watching TV while my parents busy talking, and what they said hurt me to the heart. I know they meant no harm, but I don't know why they no longer care about me. I remember that we did get on well with each other. I shared my joys with them. regarding myself as a pet dog fond of chatting with them. Now it's time for me to make another list of happy things that we can enjoy. To better our relationship, I will tell them face to face that I will forgive all.

我是译林牛津版高中一年级 模块1*2 定语从句和同位语从句 不要拿一大篇复制过来。高手们帮忙删改下 。谢谢了

I couldn't keep myself calm yesterday as I was indulge too in watching TV program and my parents are neglecting me lately. Moreover, their comments really hurt me though I know they mean good to me. I...


I couldn't keep myself calm yesterday as I was indulge too in watching TV program and my parents are neglecting me lately. Moreover, their comments really hurt me though I know they mean good to me. I simply sick of their remarks. I don't know why they are no longer care about me? I could still remember those days when we have great times together, I shared my joys with them. Now, I find a pet dog which they like so much, and I shall share with them all the happiness. It will be good for our bonding and relationship, and I shall forgive and forgo everything in the past.


英语翻译昨天我不能使自己平静下来,因为当我着迷于看电视而我的父母不理睬我,还有他们的话使我的心伤透了,我知道他们不是故意想伤害我,但我厌倦于他们说的话,不知道他们为什么不再 用clam down造句.1,我试著让自己平静下来.2,如果你还在乎我,那我才能平静下来.3,无法平静,是因为心里在乎. 当我平静下来的时候 翻译为英文 平静下来再说话 英语翻译 平静下来再说话 英语翻译 我的心情久久不能平静是因为( ). 英语翻译1 平静中总有风波2 我只有一个,不能把自己分成几片给你们 一个天才永远不能平静下来 怎样才能使我的心平静下来,不要那么浮躁? 我发现我很心浮气躁!怎么能让自己的心,平静下来? 使她平静下来翻译? 当你在读书或者思考问题的时候 心里很烦燥该怎样让自己浮躁的心平静下来 怎样能使自己内心迅速平静下来?特别是在很紧张的时候. 昨天当我在国家科学博物馆看到那么多的发明时我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛 英语翻译 怎样快速的让内心平静下来?我在读高中、有些时候会受别人影响、自己的心久久平静不了、给我一点启示? 心静自然凉,为何心总不能平静下来了? 英语翻译蓝宝石一般的湖,是我的的心变得平静在以后的生活中,没当我想要放弃时,总会想到这句话洁白如雪的云朵在蓝天中飞句子不难,主要我不能确定自己造的句子语法对不对所以 语法 翻译“如何使心情平静下来!”